Bloomberg News Admits The FedRes Manipulates Gold
- Bloomberg News Admits The FedRes Manipulates Gold
“Yellen Can’t Halt Trump Gold Rally That Funds Bet Against” – That was the headline in a Bloomberg news report that was released on Sunday afternoon. There’s a lot going on in that headline – none of it accurate except for the fact that gold is moving higher despite the efforts of western Central Banks to cap the price.
The basic premise of the report is that gold is moving higher in defiance of the Fed’s apparent move to raise interest rates. Reading through the report reveals even more misleading and completely false information than is conveyed by the headline. Here’s a link if you want to read the article: Bloomberg/Yellen/Gold.
The headline itself and the article content are both highly problematic, riddled with disinformation and completely inaccurate assertions. Anyone actually who might have read the article and trusted the content has been taken down to “ground zero” intellectually. Propaganda for the ignorant. I will be reviewing several ways in which the article content is inaccurate, if not intentionally fraudulent, in the upcoming issue of the Mining Stock Journal.
That said, the headline outright acknowledges that the Fed’s goal with respect to the price of gold is to prevent it from moving higher. The idea that Yellen “can’t halt” the rising price of gold implies that such intervention is part of the Fed’s mandate. It’s the first time I can recall in 16 years of researching, trading and investing in the precious metals market that the mainstream financial media, unwittingly or not, has acknowledged that the Federal Reserve attempts to intervene in the gold market.
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