Jim Willie: The Gold Standard Is Emerging!

- Jim Willie: The Gold Standard Is Emerging!
by http://www.silverdoctors.com/
The Chinese Are Putting in Place a Link Between Oil and Gold. The Petro-Dollar has almost completely vanished. The Gold Standard is Emerging…
By Hat Trick Letter Editor Jim Willie, GoldenJackass:
The Gold Trade Note is gradually coming into view, its form within structured contracts is taking shape as components. the Petro-Dollar has almost completely vanished. The Petro-Yuan is essentially here in its infancy, in rudimentary form. the leap to the Gold Trade Note will be easy, once the pieces are aligned and in place. This new note for usage in secure trade settlement is in the inception process. It will be structured within existing trading vehicles and platforms.
The Russians and Chinese appear to be forming the basis for the payment vehicle within the oil trade. Consider it as a formal reflection of the Iran-India gold for oil trade.
Bilateral Oil for RMB Sale + Shanghai Gold Exchange = Gold Trade Note
This triangle is precisely what China and Russia are doing now. Russian oil & gas is being sold for Chinese Yuan, and then Yuan is traded for Gold at the Shanghai Gold Exchange. The trade is not complex at all. Oil for RMB for Gold, creating a transaction payment in gold terms. The part unclear is posted margin to confirm and seal the transaction. The immediate implication is that the Chinese RMB will have a quasi-gold link. The original model used might have been the Iranian oil sales to India, with payment completed using Turkish gold. Such gold for oil trade appears to have been commonly executed from 2006 to 2010, and likely beyond that date.
The Jackass has been expecting that the Gold Trade Note would be structured in a clever way, using swap contracts in major global commerce. It might be taking form in the triangle cited as the working template. Oil is the biggest commercial trade item. Soon comes the RMB-based contract for crude oil, traded in Shanghai. It will surely cause big waves, a major disruptive event.
In time, expect an eventual refusal by Eastern producing nations to accept USTreasury Bills in payment for trade. The United States Govt cannot continue on numerous glaring fronts of gross negligence and major violations. These violations have prompted the BRICS & Alliance nations to hasten their development of diverse non-USD platforms toward the goal of displacing the USDollar while at the same time to take steps toward the return of the Gold Standard.
The New Scheiss Dollar will arrive in order to assure continued import supply to the USEconomy. It will be given a 30% devaluation out of the gate, then many more devaluations of similar variety. The New Dollar will fail all foreign and Eastern scrutiny. The USGovt will be forced to react to USTBill rejection at the ports.
The US must accommodate with the New Scheiss Dollar in order to assure import supply, and to alleviate the many stalemates to come. The United States finds itself on the slippery slope that leads to the Third World, a Jackass forecast that has been presented since Lehman fell (better described as killed by JPM and GSax). The only apparent alternative is for the United States Govt to lease a large amount of gold bullion (like 10,000 tons) from China in order to properly launch a gold-backed currency. Doing so would open the gates for a generation of commercial colonization, but actual progress in returning capitalism to the United States.
Any new currency, even with gold backing, would be subjected to a series of devaluations due to the enormous trade deficit. The result would be heavy powerful painful price inflation from the import front. The effect would be to reverse a generation of exported inflation by the United States. The entire USEconomy would go into a downward spiral with higher prices, supply shortages, and social disorder.
However, the rising prices would come from the currency crisis, and not so much from the hyper monetary inflation. That flood of $trillions has been effectively firewalled off. During the crisis that comes, the gold price will find its true proper value between $5000 and $10,000 per ounce.
Then later, it goes higher, as it seeks equilibrium in a new world where gold serves as the global arbiter in trade and banking and currencies.
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