A Civil War For Control Of The U.S. Government Has Erupted Between ‘The Deep State’ And Donald Trump
- A Civil War For Control Of The U.S. Government Has Erupted Between ‘The Deep State’ And Donald Trump
by Michael Snyder, http://endoftheamericandream.com/
The ruthless political assassination of Michael Flynn was just one battle of a major civil war that has erupted for control of the U.S. government. Donald Trump and his new administration are now under relentless assault by “the deep state”, and at this point it is not clear who will emerge as the victor. There are many that use the term “deep state” as a synonym for the intelligence community, but the truth is that it is much broader than that. In reality, the deep state encompasses thousands upon thousands of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats that never seem to change no matter which party wins an election. Certainly the intelligence community is at the heart of this system, but there are countless others that are embedded within key government agencies and the Pentagon that deeply resent Donald Trump and the kind of change that he is attempting to bring to Washington.
There is a vast and exceedingly complex tapestry of laws, rules and regulations that govern the behavior of government officials. In past administrations, those laws, rules and regulations have been very selectively enforced, but now the “deep state” intends to use them as weapons against the Trump administration.
In essence, Donald Trump and his team are walking through a minefield, and his enemies are watching like a hawk for even the smallest slip up.
Theoretically, everyone working for the federal government is now working for Donald Trump. But in reality that is not the case. I wrote about the sabotage that is being done by Obama loyalists a few days ago, and it isn’t going to stop until Donald Trump does a complete housecleaning.
Michael Flynn was taken out because he was an easy target. But now that he is gone, the saboteurs are immediately going to proceed to their next targets.
For example, just today we learned that Trump’s choice for labor secretary, Andrew Puzder, was forced to withdraw. Trump’s political enemies are going go after whoever they can. Trump’s family, friends and business associates are all fair game. Politics in America has become an exceedingly dirty game, and many believe that this is an indication that our republic is in the process of failing. I really like how Damon Linker described this in an article for The Week…
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