5 Signs We’re Going to War: “A Plan Implemented By Bush, Continued Under Obama, And Kicked Up A Notch By Our New President”
- Has Donald Trump sold out? I am not so sure about this. ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis, Secretary of Defense, is pushing the usual Illuminist war propaganda. I don’t trust him. Trump is also selling the LIE: ‘Iran is a great supporter of terrorism’. The rhetoric against China by Mattis and Tillerson (and to a lesser extent Trump) is worrisome. Remember: don’t just listen to what they say, look at their actions. The Satanic WW3 agenda is still not dead.
– - 5 Signs We’re Going to War: “A Plan Implemented By Bush, Continued Under Obama, And Kicked Up A Notch By Our New President”
by Mac Slavo, February 6th, 2017, SHTFplan.com
Is it possible that not everything is as it seems? While the majority of America is being distracted by shiny things and manipulated into civil unrest over identity politics, Melissa Dykes of The Daily Sheeple warns that an unprecedented push for war is underway.
It’s pretty clear that we’re being taken to war… A plan implemented by George W. Bush after 9/11… continued under Obama… and now kicked up a notch by our new President, Donald Trump.