Davos Elite Plan U.S. Cashless Society – Complete Enslavement To The Banks
Published on Jan 23, 2017
Josh Sigurdson breaks down the recent push at the Davos, Switzerland World Economic Forum by Nobel Prize winning professor Joseph Stiglitz to create a complete cashless society within the United States in the near future.
As we recently reported on, the U.S. M0 is in a down spiral in a way trends have never shown before. M0 is cash and coin in circulation and it seems that the number in circulation has been drying up fast since 2015.
Since India has recently taken 86% of physical cash and coin out of circulation while waging a war on black/free markets, the rest of the world seems to think that it’s alright to do so in their country as well.
Well, Joseph Stiglitz claimed at Davos that it’s time for the U.S. to go cashless as well and this means absolute enslavement by the banks. When your money’s in the bank, it’s no longer yours, it’s the banks. So if all transactions go through the bank digitally, that means your money is never yours. But of course the globalist elites use the excuse of “stopping corruption” which anyone with an IQ greater than room temperature can see through.
With bail-in regimes being written into legislation across the board, this also poses a massive risk of people’s money just being swept up to pay off debt and bringing them to their knees, begging the state for money which creates a perpetual circle of servitude.
On top of all of this, all transactions will be transparent, destroying any remnants of privacy. This is an incredibly dangerous agenda being played out in front of us. Either stand now, or forever be ruled by the banks.

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