US Intel Vets Demand Obama Show Proof of Russian Hacking or Admit It Doesn’t Exist
- US Intel Vets Demand Obama Show Proof of Russian Hacking or Admit It Doesn’t Exist
by Alice Salles,, 18 Jan 2017
(ANTIMEDIA) A group of intelligence, military, and diplomatic veterans known as Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, or VIPS, have signed a letter calling on President Barack Obama to release evidence regarding alleged Russian interference in the election. Otherwise, the letter asserts, the outgoing president must admit proof is lacking.
VIPS was formed in 2003. The group of former officers of the U.S. intelligence community is known for protesting government officials’ use of faulty intelligence — which was perpetuated by the media — as justification for the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
Before the 2003 Iraq invasion, the group wrote a letter to George W. Bush claiming policy makers were ignoring intelligence analysts.
In their latest attempt at ensuring the U.S. government is listening to the issues raised by concerned members of the intelligence community, the group writes that “[u]nconfirmed accusations continue to swirl alleging that Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized ‘Russian hacking’ that helped put [President-elect Donald] Trump in the White House.”
Pressing Obama, who is “[p]resident for a few more days,” for more proof, the group adds that he has “the power to demand concrete evidence of a link between the Russians and WikiLeaks, which published the bulk of the information in question.” If Obama and his administration do not have such evidence, the group adds, “the American people should be told that there is no fire under the smoke and mirrors of recent weeks.”
In an exclusive interview with the Russian TV channel RT, American computer programmer, businessman, and former presidential candidate John McAfee called the alleged evidence of Russian involvement in the hacks into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers “the most deceptive propaganda … perpetrated on the American public.”
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