Judea Declares War on Germany by Dr Fredrick Toben (Full Documentary). Exposing the Holocaust 6 Million Myth
Published on Aug 29, 2013
A journey back in time, Hosted by Dr.Fredrick Toben, this intriguing documentary shows a little-known fact of WWII in which Jews at one time declared war on Germany. In response to this, many Jews were incarcerated in concentration camps, similar to what America did to the Japanese. Some Germans even claim that prior to the war’s end when supply lines were cut and starvation and disease was rampant, Jews were treated more humanely than the Japanese in American internment camps. See what such talk is based on. Many rare photographs, and some surprising footage showing the concentration camps as they are today. Dr.Fredrick Toben: http://www.toben.biz
- “It can be stated in summary that German policy toward the Jews prior to World War II consisted mainly of legislative pressure, and of a few public occasions of violence in which, however, no Jews were actually killed. No doubt some Jewish lives were lost in German concentration camps prior to World War II, but certainly there was no deliberate policy of killing Jews as such, and the proportion of Jews affected was far smaller than that of Germans subjected to similar treatment. “ – Quote page 9/62 from pdf book, emphasis mine
– - “In the early days of the launching of the extermination legend it was maintained that there were gas chambers in all of the German concentration camps and that great numbers of Jews were exterminated in all of them. But after the occupation of West Germany by the Americans, British and French -there were many honest observers in the occupation forces who visited these camps and found and reported that no gas chambers existed there. It was then contended that most of the gas ovens were concentrated at Auschwitz in southern. Poland, which was then under Russian control. The Russians refused to allow any visitors there for about ten years after the war, by which time the Russians were able to revamp Auschwitz in such a manner as to give some plausibility to the claim that large numbers of Jews had been gassed there. It is significant, however, that no living, authentic eye-witness of the gassing of Jews at Auschwitz has ever been produced and validated.” – Quote page 12/62 from pdf book
– - “… there is no evidence that the Germans adopted any program of mass extermination of Jews during the war or that any German National Socialist leader ever gave any order to do so. “ – Quote page 12/62 from pdf book, emphasis mine
– - The Myth of the Six Million: An Examination of the Nazi Extermination Plot
By Prof. David L. Hoggan. Since the first day of its publication, The Myth of the Six Million has generated controversy and heated debate. Prof. David L. Hoggan, the author of this work—and a history professor at Stanford University at the time it was written—at first refused to attach his name to the manuscript for fear of academic retribution.
The original text was therefore first published under “Anonymous.” Other publishers deemed the book “too hot to handle” and refused even to bring it to press. What is it that is so “dangerous” about this little book? Why has it been suppressed again and again during its short lifetime? And why is it now so important to get the information contained herein out to as many citizens as possible?
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