Reality Check: Proof U.S. Government Wanted ISIS To Emerge In Syria. Putin Tells Everyone Exactly Who Created ISIS (America)
Published on Nov 19, 2015
There is so much debate over how the U.S. and other nations will stop ISIS but can these leaders be trusted? Ben Swann exposes secret DOD documents that prove the U.S. wanted ISIS to emerge in Syria.

” … the (Syrian) people support their Army (and) government is absolutely true! Whatever you hear in the corporate media is the complete opposite. And … what you hear in the corporate media and I will name them: BBC, Guardian, New York Times etc on Aleppo is also opposite of reality!” – Quote from start of video


“For years we have been supplying anti-tank missiles and all sorts of weapons to the terrorists, to Al Nusra, sometimes to ISIS.. the entire array … Jaysh al-Islam …”
– Quote Senator Richard Black from 1:01 onwards

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