Desperate Illuminati Globalists Hold Planet Hostage To WWIII
Published on Dec 27, 2016
The globalists are losing and becoming more and more desperate, going so far as to push the planet closer and closer to World War three.
Nineteen Million ‘really’ died, Hebrews, Gypsies, not Nazi Christians, real patriots, mentally ill, etc. and eleven million germans plus 27 million russians kia, about 60 million total in WWII all to appease the desire of an elite few to ‘play’ god. New York bankers bank rolling Hitler, Musollini, Tojo and commufascists all over the globe. Between the Spanish American war and the end of Tet 1968 100 million people died in wars and revolutions, more than all the casualties from war in the previous 6,000 years of mans existence on this small rock. We are on pause between Revelation chapters 5 & 6, between “wars and rumours of wars” (what we are doing right now) and the main event, which will playout over a seven year period. The next darth level Rev 6:11 will be roughly two billion souls, the stakes raised by population increase. Satan is kind of between a ROCK and a hot place, damned if he does and damned if he don’t. Refer to Hal Lindsey, for a tugboat captain he has a pretty good handle on these things, kind of a Mark Twain of the Apocalypse if you will. So if you see the guy on the whitehorse before I do, email me a line so I can close my nuclear storm doors, hate to get caught with nothing but an umbrella. But during Trumps inauguration I saw a rider on a pale horse, on a black horse (go, Army!) and on a red horse, just waiting for a leader. JR