LIAR, LIAR: NYTimes Forced to Issue Embarrassing Correction, Lied About Not Supporting The Electoral College in a Bid to Banish It

- LIAR, LIAR: NYTimes Forced to Issue Embarrassing Correction, Lied About Not Supporting The Electoral College in a Bid to Banish It
by | The mainstream media has been busy at work admonishing the alternative media, trying to accuse us of being fake news… But if the alternative media did not exist, who would be around to call the mainstream media out on their “fake news”?
The New York Times has been caught in a blatant lie, a lie so blatant in fact, that the outlet was forced to issue an embarrassing correction on their own article after being called on it.
After Trump won the election, outlets outed in Wikileaks as colluding with the Clinton campaign went straight to work whining about how Hillary won the popular vote and crying that the Electoral College should be banished. In a piece titled “Time to End the Electoral College,” The NYT Editorial Board wrote:
By overwhelming majorities, Americans would prefer to elect the president by direct popular vote, not filtered through the antiquated mechanism of the Electoral College. They understand, on a gut level, the basic fairness of awarding the nation’s highest office on the same basis as every other elected office — to the person who gets the most votes.
Yes, Mr. Trump won under the rules, but the rules should change so that a presidential election reflects the will of Americans and promotes a more participatory democracy.
The Electoral College, which is written into the Constitution, is more than just a vestige of the founding era; it is a living symbol of America’s original sin.
Pretty dramatic, huh? The outlet went on to say:
This page opposed the Electoral College in 1936, and in morerecent years as well. In 2004, President George W. Bush won the popular vote by more than three million, but he could have lost the Electoral College with a switch of fewer than 60,000 votes in Ohio.
But they left out one little bit of info… the editorial board DEFENDED the Electoral College in 2000 when George W. Bush lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College. In a piece titled, “The Case for the Electoral College,” the board specifically disagreed with… you’ll never guess… Hillary Clinton on abolishing the EC, writing:
Among others, New York’s senator-elect, Hillary Rodham Clinton, has condemned the present system and promised to co-sponsor legislation abolishing it and providing for the direct election of the president. That would be a mistake. The Electoral College has enough benefits to justify its survival.
read more.
