NYTimes Reporter Who Sold The World on Iraq WMDs LIE, Judith Miller, is Now Pushing The “Russian Election Hack” Lie
- NYTimes Reporter Who Sold The World on Iraq WMDs LIE, Judith Miller, is Now Pushing The “Russian Election Hack” Lie
by ALEX CHRISTOFOROUThe New York Times journalist who sold the world on WMDs is back to sell the story of “Russia election hacking”.
Were it not for the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series, one would think that it was 2003 WMDs all over again. The same Iraq war playbook is being dusted off in order to sell a ridiculous information war based on the equally ridiculous notion that Russia hacked the US elections in Trump’s favor…and at the expense of Hillary Clinton.
All the lies are in place. Politicians like McCain and Graham are hitting talk show circuit, warning about a “dictator” threatening American democracy. “Fake news” is the new Patriot act, a dumbed down catchphrase used to rally support while curbing citizens’ freedoms.
The US president is ordering a secret investigation, results pending before inauguration day. The CIA is leading the charge by misleading. Anonymous sources are today’s “Ahmed Chalabi.”
American “values” are under attack. Retaliation first, fact later. The “DNC hack” is Colin Powell’s “anthrax” moment. Saddam is Putin. Iraq is Russia. Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) have become Weapons of Cyber Destruction (WCD).
…And Judith Miller is back. Ready sell another conflict, cyber or hot, to an American public fattened up on a diet of “Russian aggression”.
Miller seems to always pop up to corroborate CIA propaganda. Let’s remember who Judith Miller is, and what she did in 2003, so as to avoid the same (or and even worse) fate in 2016. Via Wikipedia…
Miller became embroiled in controversy after her coverage of Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) program both before and after the 2003 invasion was discovered to have been based on the inaccurate information in the intelligence investigations, particularly those stories that were based on sourcing from the now-disgraced Ahmed Chalabi. The New York Times later determined that a number of stories she had written for the paper were inaccurate. According to commentator Ken Silverstein, Miller’s Iraq reporting “effectively ended her career as a respectable journalist.” Miller acknowledged in The Wall Street Journal on April 4, 2015 that some of her Times coverage was inaccurate, although she had relied on sources she had used numerous times in the past, including those who supplied information for her reporting that had previously won a Pulitzer Prize. She further stated that policymakers and intelligence analysts had relied on the same sources as hers, and that at the time there was broad consensus that Iraq had stockpiles of WMD.
Miller was later involved in the Plame Affair, in which the status of Valerie Plame as a member of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) became widely known. When asked to name her sources, Miller invoked reporter’s privilege and refused to reveal her sources in the Central Intelligence Agency leak and spent 85 days in jail protecting her source, Scooter Libby. Miller later was forced to resign from her job at the New York Times in November 2005. Later, she was a contributor to the Fox News Channel and a fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute.
read more.
- Published on Jan 21, 2014
On Morning Joe, Carl Bernstein says that because he’s Jewish, he could be permitted to reveal on national television that “Jewish” neo-cons were responsible for persuading President George W. Bush into starting an “insane” war against Iraq.
– - “The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservatives, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history.”
– Ari Shavit Ha’aretz News Service (Israel) April 5, 2003
“A new generation has its hands on the tiller of power…Jewish neocons have emerged as the Pentagon’s Paladins…Most striking is how unmentionable this is in the liberal press…These well-placed hawks are Jewish-Americans and it is their hardcore Zionism that is shaping American foreign policy. Zionism is fast becoming a poisoned chalice…There is real madness here, but who will stop it?”
– Ann Pettifer Common Sense December 18, 2002