Indian Prime Minister Modi Admits He Wants Cashless Society as Economic Chaos Breaks Out in India
Published on Nov 30, 2016
Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen regarding the insanity of what’s currently going on in India after Prime Minister Narendra Modi alongside his central banking masters demonetized 86% of India’s currency and cracked down on the black markets that were bringing great wealth to so many small business owners. After the blitz of panic in India, Modi recently admitted that his endgame is indeed a “cashless society.” Modi said,
“It’s correct that a 100 percent cashless society is not possible. But why don’t we make a beginning for a less-cash society in India? We can gradually move from a less-cash society to a cashless society.”
Josh Sigurdson and John Sneisen break down how disastrous this notion is and how it leads to more debt, enslavement as well as it actually tramples individual privacy. This is once again a communistic push by the central planners and currency printers. It not only destroys free markets that have helped bring so many hard working people in India out of poverty, but tramples freedoms that will affect the people of India far into the future. This is monetary mayhem and the people of India must stand up against this implementation!
