CIA Admits They Run MSM Fake News Factory
[youtube=] Published on Nov 28, 2016 Alex Jones breaks down how the CIA and Mainstream Media is really behind fake news propaganda. end
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] Published on Nov 28, 2016 Alex Jones breaks down how the CIA and Mainstream Media is really behind fake news propaganda. end
[youtube=] Published on Nov 28, 2016 Alex Jones talks with former Navy SEAL Matt Bracken about the way in which globalism continually destroys every country it infects. end
[youtube=] Published on Nov 28, 2016 A recent report in the Washington Post claims that a “sophisticated [Russian] propaganda campaign” has been propagating fake news through outlets that include RT and the Ron Paul Institute. To discuss this issue, former Congressman and founder of the Ron Paul Institute, Dr. Ron Paul, joins RT America’s Ed …
[youtube=] Published on Nov 27, 2016 The Palestinian Ministry of health in the Gaza Strip has declared a state of emergency in several hospitals due to lack of fuel to operate the hospitals’ emergency backup generators. Prolonged power outages have forced the ministry of health to rely on generators most of the time. Modern Ashkenazi …
Up To Eight Italian Banks May Fail If Renzi Loses Referendum by Tyler Durden, Just as we were concluding our write up on the return of Europe’s solvency crisis, facilitated by Donald Trump’s NATO funding demands and the end of the ECB’s unprecedented can kicking exercise, the FT reported that as many as eight …
[youtube=] Published on Nov 28, 2016 The Philippines is not yet ready for new military alliances, but in the wake of disagreements with the US, will cooperate with “new friends” Russia and China to make the world a more peaceful place. Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte spoke with RTD’s Marina Kosareva in an exclusive interview. [youtube=] …
[youtube=] Published on Nov 28, 2016 On this LIVE Sunday, Nov. 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we discuss the Trump administration’s push to encourage foreign leaders to probe the Clinton Foundation. We also look into the election “recount” spearheaded by Jill Stein which will only look at states that Trump won – and …
[youtube=] Published on Nov 27, 2016 There is a real responsibility to cover news accurately. People have been saying, Alex why arent you covering this, why are you covering it up? etc. Drudge covered our Spirit cooking stories, we were some of the first outlets to cover this. AJ just asked what is this, are …
[youtube=] Published on Nov 26, 2016 PizzaGate is going viral worldwide. Too late elites, you can’t kill us ALL. You can’t accuse us ALL of being pedos, when you’re the ones with Instagram accounts filled with the worst possible filth, and emails filled with the worst possible sadism. Child rapists and killers get the electric …
[youtube=] Published on Nov 27, 2016 Martin Walsh for the Conservative Daily Post, Earlier this week, rumors surfaced out of Trump Tower that Donald Trump did not plan to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her years of illegal activities, most notably her use of a private email server and deleting 33,000 emails. Read More/Source/Credit(FAIR USE): – …
[youtube=] Published on Nov 28, 2016 Alex Jones talks with former Navy SEAL Matt Bracken about whether or not he like Fox thinks America is on the brink of civil war. end
West Already Weaponizing Fake News by You really know that masses of people are living within a mind-control matrix when the greatest, most pervasive purveyors of fake news denounce others for the practice. – And yet they do so without the slightest hint of awareness about their own monstrous hypocrisy. – “Fake news” has become a hot …
[youtube=] 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 (New King James Version) 9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And …
[youtube=] Published on Nov 27, 2016 The Washington Post and others have come out promoting another fake news list, they don’t even say who came up with the list with no attribution, bibliography no nothing. Ron Paul gave us a list a few weeks ago about sites he believed would be targeted. Tensions rising at …
Criss-Crossed Fuses And Lit Bonfire by Jim Willie, , via Many are the potential fuses to be lit, which would create the conflagration, the massive bonfire of the bond vanities and bank charades. Many are the fuses lying around, all criss-crossed, all exposed, all overlapping each other in highly dangerous manner. If any single fuse …
The Synagogue of Satan is running out of time to prepare for the arrival of their Man of Sin. This desperate action by the Modi (Kissinger puppet?) government is causing a massive economic decline in India. There is really no need to be so extreme and urgent if you want to move the country forward …