Can Mainstream News Really Be Credible When 6 Corporations Control 90% of America’s Media?
- Can Mainstream News Really Be Credible When 6 Corporations Control 90% of America’s Media?
by J. D. Heyes,
(NaturalNews) Over the course of the past three decades, something has been happening behind the scenes in the world of media. Slowly but surely, most of the establishment media has been bought up by six corporations, which now own some 90 percent of all media in the country.
And while that’s technically not a monopoly, the vast majority of those corporations’ media outlets espouse a singular Left-wing political ideology. And that doesn’t bode well for our republic.
As True Activist reports, you really have to go out of your way to find truthful, honest reporting that is not filtered through the lens of liberal ideology. If not, the chances are excellent that you and most other Americans are “fed regurgitated current events received from” that small pool of corporate media sources, the site noted.
All of the major networks and news outlets – ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox and others – are owned by six main conglomerates: News Corp, Disney, Time-Warner, Viacom, General Electric and CBS. And each of these companies has their own shady history.
Pre-scripted narratives, ‘talking point reporting,’ political preferences
Only one of these half-dozen – News Corp, owned by Australian Rupert Murdock, and which includes the Fox News Channel – offers a point of view other than the standard statist, Left-wing clap-trap. But even then, there are many times when coverage on Fox matches that on all the other channels.
In fact, as this video demonstrates, the establishment media essentially does “talking point reporting,” picking up on a key phrase to describe a political figure or event in order to act like an echo chamber that drowns out any competing views. And as this site notes, there is plenty of evidence of Left-wing journalists getting together in confidential “chat rooms” and on old-fashioned bulletin-board type sites to brainstorm how to cover their favorite (Democratic) figures, their most hated (conservative) figures, and how to spin events based on who is in power.
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