Mainstream Media Is A Cult Of Racist Mind Control
- Published on Nov 16, 2016
The Mainstream media is a cult. A cult that according to Gallup “Americans’ trust and confidence in the mass media “to report the news fully, accurately and fairly” has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.”
Generally, cult leaders like Jim Jones or Marshall Applewhite of Heavens Gate manipulated their gullible followers to their dooms by controlling the initiates ability to utilize critical individual thought. Starkly at odds with the freedoms guaranteed to all Americans by the Constitution.
Furthermore, any semblance of journalistic integrity existing in mainstream media has long been hijacked by the CIA’s creeping propaganda infiltration of the media since Operation Mockingbird in the 1950’s morphed into the raging mind control operation inhabiting the idiot box today. A monstrosity fully unchained after propaganda was essentially legalized in 2013.
And now that Cult would have us all believe that Trump’s pick for a Senior Counselor position is a white nationalist. Breitbart’s Steve Bannon the man fronting an organization that the corporacratic criminals in DC feared enough to allegedly cause its namesake and founder, Andrew Breitbart, to reach an early demise. A publication with its finger squarely on the pulse of the nation’s dysfunctional criminal government is suddenly reduced to a neo nazi zine by the sycophantic new world order press?