Flashback: Paris Terror Attacks Ordered By The Committee Of 300
- Paris Terror Attacks Ordered By The Committee Of 300
by The Millennium Report
Fake False Flag Operation Fabricated To Advance 3 Primary NWO Goals
All Synthetic Terrorism Originates from within theAnglo-American Axis,
Coordinated by a Covert Nexus of CIA, MI6, DGSE and MOSSAD,
Carried out by Deep Cover Black Op Terror Cells
A close reading of Dr. John Coleman’s Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300, which was written in 1991, is absolutely necessary if one is to have a correct understanding of current world events. The exposé that follows is not only highly prophetic in the overall movement of the ‘global village’ toward a New World Order, it also predicts the precise road map to a pre-planned One World Government.
There are numerous strategies and countless tactics that are routinely employed by the shadowy group known as The Committee of 300 (COM300). This clandestine organization of Illuminati-deputized power-players has been operating for decades as a de facto World Shadow Government (WSG). They are by no means the top decision-makers of the globalist cabal who operate at the peak of the world’s power structure; rather, they are only the public face who are often seen and heard in the CIA-controlled mainstream media (MSM) and national governments of select Western powers.
Those “numerous strategies and countless tactics” can now be viewed throughout the world on a daily basis as the multi-century plan to foist a One World Government on the world community of nations enters its final stages. The recent false flag terror attacks in Paris provide a perfect demonstration of the latest attempt by the The Committee of 300 to accelerate their NWO scheme. Those fake terrorist attacks on Friday the 13th were fabricated for multiple reasons, but there are three which stand out and must NOT be taken lightly. The 3 most important reasons are as follows:
(1) — To completely lock down Paris before the historic 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, which will take place from November 30 through December 11. The importance of totally controlling a purposefully oppressive environment in Paris during this conference cannot be overemphasized. The meticulously engineered outcomes at the upcoming “Climate Summit”, which have been preordained by The Committee of 300, will not be denied their agents who are working triple time sub rosa. Nothing less than a Global CO2 Management Regime (aka incipient One World Government) will be accepted. Every aspect of the climate conference has been fastidiously controlled down to the very last detail. Quite frankly, if the vast majority of the attendees knew some of those details, they would be sure not to show up.
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