Donald Psyop Trump? Soon We’ll Know For Sure
- The Illuminist philosophy is always to own/control all sides in a conflict/war. I don’t believe that Donald Trump is an Illuminist puppet. But we must always be on our guard. Even if he is not one now, the Illuminist will make many attempts to bring him in the fold. Looking at how Hillary lost the election and the current engineered protests, riots … going on against Trump, the Synagogue of Satan will attempt to break Trump, to let him know who is boss, who is calling the shots.
– - Donald Psyop Trump: Soon We’ll Know For Sure
by John Galt,
This series of posts focused on one contention: the Donald Trump “phenomenon” is an elaborate psychological operation devised for nefarious purposes by powers-that-be, rather than a true rebellious, grass-root movement. If true, he had to be elected; however the fact he just did obviously doesn’t prove it’s true.
One can say this: it is admirable for the US population to have elected him, and to have chosen him versus Clinton despite the apparent deluge of propaganda. As a free man who may act against all advice if he’s convinced he’s doing the right thing, the American people have ignored the intellectuals (i.e. mandibular professionals educated beyond their intelligence), and done what they think is best for their country.
In the forthcoming weeks we’ll know if Trump is a “Republican Obama” (i.e. someone who promises hope and change, enthralls many good-intended people, and then carries on the neocon/globalist agenda). These would be clear early signs he’s NOT the real deal:
– Like Obama, he appoints neocons / warhawks to his administration; if people like John Bolton get anywhere near the WH, you’ll know.
– Like Obama, the whole “let’s not make war” stance is quickly forgotten; in particular look to see if his admin’s position on Syria/Russia/Iran converges towards that of the VP.
– He starts pleasing his backer and donor Sheldon Adelson on Iran.
– Hillary and her cronies walk free from the corruption, war crimes and presumed child abuse/trafficking all now know about.
– There’s a major “Islamic terrorist attack”, and the government goes full patriot-act retard against the US domestic population.
Of course we’ll know for sure after the next economic and monetary event. The impending inflation and dollar demise cannot, at this point, be avoided; nor is it likely such a development can be pushed back another 8 years. However there are two distinct possible paths of action when it does happen:
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