NATO Builds Up Offensive Capability on Borders of Russia & Belarus, Moscow to Respond – MoD
- NATO Builds Up Offensive Capability on Borders of Russia & Belarus, Moscow to Respond – MoD
The US and NATO are building up their offensive capabilities on the Western borders of Russia and its ally Belarus, prompting Moscow to take reciprocal measures, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu told the two countries’ top military brass.
“Those actions undermine strategic stability and are forcing Russia to take reciprocal defensive measures, including some in the Western theatre,” the defense minister said.
NATO “has not abandoned attempts to dictate its will to other countries through economic and political means, as well as by military force,” he said, noting that “an information war is in full swing.”
Confronted with a complex security environment, Russia and Belarus will join forces to strengthen their mutual security, Shoigu added.
“Advanced bilateral cooperation and a common stance on major global and regional security challenges allow us to successfully tackle strengthening our defense capabilities,” he stressed, adding that this approach appears to be necessary at this point, “as international crisis response mechanisms have stalled, while hotspots are already near our borders.”
In order to address the security challenges, Russia is now supplying state-of-the-art armaments and weapons systems to the army units guarding the Western borders, as well as ramping up combat training for the troops, the Defense Minister said.
READ MORE: Britain joins biggest European military buildup since Cold War
Russian and Belarusian militaries are constantly working on improving their interoperability and the capacity to act in large troops formations, he added. The remarks come amid NATO’s biggest military buildup in Eastern Europe since the Cold War. The deployment will see up to 4,000 troops deployed in the Baltic countries and Poland, in addition to the more than 1,000 soldiers already stationed there on a “rotational basis.”
A German-led battalion will deploy in Lithuania, the US will send troops to Poland, Canada is expected to station troops in Latvia, and the UK will deploy an 800-strong battle group in Estonia.
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Reblogged this on behindertvertriebentessarzblog and commented:
Das ist ja wohl etwas zu klein! Denn die USA und Alliierte haben sich 1990 auf das Kriegsgebiet des Deutschem Reiches und damit deren Besatzung gesichert! Also folgen neben Polen auch Deutschem Reiche seine besetzten Gebiete durch die West-Alliierten im vollem Umfang und die BRD GmbH gilt als Speerspitze mit deren noch amtierenden Verrätern in der gesamten des Reiches Politik zur Verfassung und allen, was auch Putin in seiner Verfassung stehen hat, da in deren Verfassung zur russischen Fjöderation! Und, ein Adolf Hitler hatte seine Programme, aber dennoch, die Verfassung des Deutschem Reiche, die war unumstößlich für ihn, siehe, das er auf Wegen der Friedensverträge war und seinerseits um die Versailler Dekrete sich auch aüßerte, wie dem auch sei, er Frieden mit auch Isreals Heimat suchte, die Polar-Packte organisierte und seine Armee sich an die HLKO zu halten hatte! Glück, Auf, meine Heimat!