Hillary’s Plan For Regime Change in Syria Means Nuclear War With Russia
- Hillary’s Plan For Regime Change in Syria Means Nuclear War With Russia
by https://larouchepac.com/
One thing that Donald Trump has correct is that Hillary Clinton’s plan to impose a no-fly zone in Syria, and to prioritize “regime change” against Assad over collaborating with Russia to crush ISIS, is a blatant and dangerous path to war with Russia, a war that would rapidly become nuclear.
Are Americans so demoralized and fearful that they would ignore this extreme danger and allow Hillary to become President? Hillary’s desperate response today was to release an ad comparing Trump to Barry Goldwater, itching to push the button, despite Trump’s repeated call for cooperation with Russia in fighting ISIS, as well as the obvious contradiction to her own failed effort to paint Trump as a dupe to Putin!
The volatile situation in the U.S. was exemplified by the release of an ABC/Washington Post poll today showing that Trump is trailing Hillary nationally by only 1%. The same poll only one week ago showed Trump trailing by 12%! While the press accounts point only to the announcement by FBI Director Comey that they are reopening the investigation into Hillary’s breach of classification law in her email usage, the unstated reality is that Donald Trump this past week took an abrupt turn by directly identifying Hillary’s Syria policy as a certain track to war with Russia, while also explicitly calling for the restoration of a 21st century version of Roosevelt’s Glass Steagall Act, separating speculative and commercial banking.
This warning of the threat of war by Obama and his clone Hillary, as well as the call for Glass Steagall, are both recognized internationally, especially in the U.S. Congress, as issues introduced and forced onto the national and international agenda by Lyndon LaRouche. While the citizenry is certainly disgusted by Hillary’s cavalier misuse of classified material, she is far more discredited by her war mongering and her subservience to Wall Street. It is in this regard that her weakness is exposed, both politically, intellectually, and morally.
Hillary was first exposed to the world as a puppet of Wall Street on July 13, 2015, while speaking in Manhattan, when LaRouche activist Daniel Burke ignored her refusal to take questions and asked her, several times, loudly, if she would restore Glass Steagall. While she refused to answer, the incident focused the world’s attention on the issue, forcing her to release a response later in the day, lying wildly with the line peddled by Wall Street itself that Glass Steagall wouldn’t have prevented the 2008 financial explosion on Wall Street, sticking to the failed Dodd-Frank bill sold to the public by Obama.
If further proof were necessary to show Hillary’s puppetry to Wall Street and Wall Street’s senior partners in London, today’s Financial Times of London chose to intervene in the politics of it’s former colony with an endorsement of Hillary for President! The FT editorial reads: “Mrs. Clinton carries enough baggage to fill a Boeing 747. She is not trusted by the majority of voters. But she is manifestly more competent than Mr. Trump…. Despite her faults, Mrs. Clinton is eminently qualified to be the first woman elected to the White House.” Perhaps they should have added: eminently qualified to continue the Obama tradition of obediently following instructions from London and Wall Street.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche noted today that the endorsement from the British Empire’s Financial Times is the kiss of death to her campaign.
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