Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Emphasis and remarks mine: NATO And Russia Playing Dangerous Game with Military Build-Up by Luke Harding, Russia wants to detract from problems at home and position itself as a superpower, and Nato troop movements can only help. (This is propaganda and the inverting reality. It is the West that is driving Russia to WW3. They …
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[youtube=] Published on Oct 27, 2016 National Enquirer editor in chief Dylan Howard promises that they have one more devastating bombshell to drop on Hillary Clinton before November 8th. end
[youtube=] Published on Oct 27, 2016… A new email released as part of the Wikileaks Podesta dump features Clinton ally Brent Budowsky accusing Hillary operative David Brock of having a plan that relied upon black voters being “stupid”. end
Russia Destroys Most ISIS Heavy Weaponry, U.S. Promptly Airdrops 50-Tons Of Weapons Into Syria by Jay Syrmopoulos | The Free Thought Project, The goal of U.S. policy in Syria doesn’t get any more clear; the actual mission being supported by the United States in Syria is regime change, not fighting ISIS. – Reports this week indicated …
[youtube=] [youtube=] Published on Oct 26, 2016 The Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution says the massacre of the Yemeni people at the hands of the Saudi regime is the worst form of terrorism. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei made the comment during a meeting with visiting Finnish President Sauli Niinisto in Tehran. The leader slammed the …
[youtube=] US-Pentagram: “That’s Nonsensical BS. How dare you accuse us of killing only 300 people. We killed more than 1 million civilians in Iraq and more than 250 thousand civilians in Afghanistan. Killing only 300 people is ridiculous BS!” Published on Oct 27, 2016 Around 300 civilians were killed in eleven airstrikes conducted by the …
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[youtube=] Published on Oct 27, 2016 Israeli forces have been on a campaign of widespread demolitions of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem al-Quds. The demolitions come as part of a larger plan that includes extreme court rulings, sentences and arrests of the Palestinian individuals living in the holy city. end
Doctor Warns: 80% of Medical Studies are Advertisements for Big Pharma by Christina Sarich, Staff Writer, WakingTimes In 2015 the editor of the Lancet study admitted that pharmaceutical marketing is supported by deceitful research. Now, a new report issued by a distinguished doctor provides more insight into how drug companies manipulate scientific research in order to advance …
Russia and the West: How Close Are We to WW3? by This week John sits down with Professor Edward Lozansky to discuss the breakdown in relations between Russia and the West. How have we arrived at this point? And what needs to be happen if we are to resolve a crisis that now threatens …
[youtube=] Published on Oct 26, 2016 CETA misses 3 deadlines. Obamacare architect says that people needed a larger penalty to force them into Obamacare. Pentagon wanted National Guard soldiers to repay their bonuses for enlisted, they have since backtracked because of public pressure. Clapper says the US can’t force NK to stop producing nuclear weapons. …
After Terrorizing America with Zika Scaremongering, Washington Post Now Admits Zika Virus Doesn’t Cause Brain Deformities After All by
[youtube=] Published on Oct 27, 2016 Deception In the Desert Conference in Las Vegas (First 20 people to sign up for the conference get a NEWLY RELEASED autographed book By Billy Crone): Billy Crone Youtube- Billy Crones Website- Wikileaks Podesta Email-… end
[youtube=] Indiana Voter Database “Riddled With Errors” Including 1,000s Of Dead Voters And Duplicate Registrations by Tyler Durden, For years the political elites, backed by funding from George Soros, have fought common sense voter ID laws as blatant attempts of racist right wingers to suppress the votes of minority and low-income citizens. These same …
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