Deutsche Bank Destruction to Lead World Collapse? + 2016 Election Predictions
Published on Oct 1, 2016
Our friend, economic researcher and conspiracy buff Joe, known by his youtube channel jsnip4 and site discusses 2016 election predictions, realistic world crash scenarios and if this is all elite planned. His belief is that timelines are misleading as the trigger will be pulled only when the powers that be feel it is right. So he thinks a crash will be delayed until after the election.
02:20 Deutsche Bank on Verge of Collapse
05:50 Big Hedge Funds pulling out
07:00 Will they be Bailed Out?
09:00 Lindsey Williams predictions panning out?
09:30 9/11 28 Pages, Now You can Sue Saudi Arabia
11:00 Will Saudi Arabia be Blamed for Market Crash?
15:00 Chinese Yuan Joins IMF SDR today, Gold Holdings
17:50 Elite Predictive Programming in Movies like BP Oil Spill
19:30 US Dollar to Crash or Rally in next World Crash?
23:10 Bo Polny predictions wrong; elite change timelines
26:10 Donald Trump Not Likely to Win, Clinton to Rig Vote
29:10 Hillary’s Health Issues, Sep 11 Fall
30:30 Election Polls Rigged; No Recount, exit polls…
34:20 First Presidential Debate, was she fed answers?
38:40 Bo Polny’s Cycle Predictions Review
41:20 Elites Don’t want Markets Crashing Before Election
45:30 Get more From Joe ‘jsnip4’, youtube channel & – youtube: