Gang Members Implicate U.S. Gov’t In Dumping Crates Of Guns In Chicago
- Why are Illuminist governments doing this? It is to foment violence, racial unrest, social conflicts, wars, chaos …. to allow them to set the stage for the coming of the Anti-Christ, the leader of the Luciferian New World Order, fake Messiah, bringer of false peace. Illuminists employ the Hegelian Dialectic (Problem, Reaction and Solution) and execute their plan using the Satanic Order Out of Chaos philosophy. They create the Problem, then wait for the desired Reaction and finally introduce their pre-planned Solution.
1. Create/Engineer the PROBLEM
– Wars, violence, economic, financial, currency collapse, social/racial conflicts..
2. Wait for the desired REACTION
– The sheeple get so sick of all the deaths, violence, conflicts, instability …
– The sheeple realize NO Govt is able to put an end to the wars, violence ….
– The sheeple cries out for someone to rescue them, a savior, messiah who can end all the calamities, set things right.
3. The Satanic Cabal introduce their pre-planned SOLUTION
– The Anti-Christ, Man of Sin appears and is able to stop the wars.
– He is able to institute a Luciferian New World Order, World Government to end all the conflicts over territorial sovereignties.
– He ushers in a New World Economic/Financial system and cause an economic boom, ushering in prosperity, stability …
– - Yes, it is all a SCAM! Who caused all these problems in the first place? The Satanic cabal.
– - Gang Members Implicate U.S. Gov’t In Dumping Crates Of Guns In Chicago
by Isaac Davis,
There is a well-documented history of the U.S. government supplying weapons and arms to both friends and foe for political purposes and for profit. In addition to publicly known global arms deals to U.S. political allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia, revelations about the rise of ISIS indicate that U.S. arms and military trainees have been a critical factor in the rise of the terror group.
From 2006 to 2011 the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms ran a gun smuggling operation into Mexico to ostensibly dismantle Mexican drug gangs, accomplishing the precise opposite, however, in what has affectionately become known as Fast and Furious. Further back in time we have covert operations like Oliver North’s Iran Contra scandal of the mid 1980s, and America’s involvement in arming rebels in Central America to destabilize uncooperative governments. The list goes on.
Furthermore, it is alleged that the CIA, DEA and other government agencies have been involved for decades in the destruction of American communities by covertly shipping in drugs. Former DEA agent Cele Castillo has been persecuted by the U.S. government for seeking accountability of the George H.W. Bush administration for drug smuggling into the U.S. He would know as he was directly involved.
Former L.A. police narcotics officer Michael Ruppert alleged in the mid-1990s that the CIA was directly involved in running drugs throughout the Unites States, corroborating information presented in the book, Dark Alliance, by investigative journalist Gary Webb whose death in 1994 by two gunshot wounds to the head was deemed a suicide. Michael Ruppert committed suicide in 2014.
“I will tell you, Director Deutch,” Ruppert said, “emphatically and without equivocation that the agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time.” ~Mike Ruppert
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