Merkel’s Law: German Threat to SLASH EU Funding to Poland & Hungary for Refusing to Comply
- Merkel’s Law: German Threat to SLASH EU Funding to Poland & Hungary for Refusing to Comply
GERMANY has threatened to slash European Union funding to Poland, Hungary and other countries for refusing to comply with EU values.
The bloc needs to impose “stronger rules for the disbursement of funds”, according to MEP Ingeborg Grassle. The Christian-Democrat added: “Countries that don’t respect EU laws, or countries that don’t participate enough in the resettlement of migrants or the registration of refugees, should be deprived of funds.”
Vice president of the European Parliament Alexander Graf Lambsdorff accused Poland and Hungary of flouting EU values. He told German media: “The federal government must ensure, when the EU budget is reviewed this fall, that EU countries that are net recipients, such as Poland and Hungary, show more solidarity in the issue of refugees and also respect European values.”
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