Japan Has Sent A Massive Monetary Shock Wave Across the Planet: “Will Create A Big Upward Price Adjustment In Gold And Silver”
- Japan Has Sent A Massive Monetary Shock Wave Across the Planet: “Will Create A Big Upward Price Adjustment In Gold And Silver”
by Mac Slavo, SHTFplan.com
In what appears to be a strategy designed to keep their financial system afloat when fiat currencies around the world collapse under the strain of trillions in quantitatively eased debt, the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) has now shifted their operations so that all trade settlements can be completed in physical gold. The move follows the opening of the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE), which is the East’s answer to decades of manipulated precious metals prices by a concentration of inside players. It’s an open secret that western central banks and cooperating financial institutions have controlled the price of gold for years. The opening of the SGE and Japan’s TOCOM shift should be a clear signal that eastern governments like China, Japan and Russia are no longer willing to play a rigged game and that they are preparing to allow gold to be freely exchanged on the open market in its physical form.
As highlighted in the SGT Report video update below, these developments coupled with supply-demand fundamentals and the massive of shift of capital into precious metals as a result of worldwide economic uncertainty, suggest that gold and silver prices are set to explode to the upside. Citing financial and economic experts, SGT Report notes:
The Japanese have recently sent physical gold shock waves around the planet with the implementation of physical gold trading at their TOCOM commodity exchange… The news of this even was largely muted in the Western financial media… even the alt media blogosphere largely seemed to overlook the news… but this is a highly significant development because it signals a subtle shift in Japanese economic and monetary focus from West to East… it will also create a bug upward price readjustment in gold and silver.