NATO ON EDGE: Top Military Chief Warns Putin is Ready to Start World War Three ‘OVERNIGHT’

- It appears the western Illuminati is desperate to start their Satanic WW3. It implies that they will not prop up the financial markets much longer. They need their WW3 as a distraction for the sheeple to mask the global economic, financial and currency collapse. They will blame it on this WW3, terrorism … anything but themselves. WW3 will not just be Europe but it will also be in the Middle East and Asia. All the forces are in place to trigger WW3. Expect false flag attacks blamed on Russia to ignite war. Persistent rumours of Operation BlackJack 2.0, a series of nuclear false flag attacks on 5-7 major western cities, going ‘Live’ in the summer (to be blamed on ISIS, Muslim terrorists).
– - My understanding is that, all 3 arms of the Illuminati: western Illuminati, Russian and Chinese Illuminati have agreed to this Satanic WW3. The Satanic cabal is deceiving the sheeple into hating and killing each other. The sheeple think it is war: US+NATO+Europe vs Russia, US+Allies vs Russia+Allies in the Middle East, Christian West vs Muslim World, US+Japan+Philippines vs China in Asia … In reality, it is: Satan and his minions vs the Rest of Humanity.
– - This coming Satanic WW3 is really about laying the foundation for the coming of the Anti-Christ. The Man of Sin will bring about “PEACE”, when no one, no government could do so; in a world wrecked by global wars, societal collapse, economic, financial, currency collapse, violence, genocide …
