French Military Was Present, Outnumbered Attackers at Bataclan Massacre — Told to Stand Down
- French Military Was Present, Outnumbered Attackers at Bataclan Massacre — Told to Stand Down
by Matt Agorist,
According to a Belgian news report from earlier this month, the night of the attack at the Paris Bataclan, November 13, 2015, six French military personnel of the Sentinelle Project, were at the entry of the concert hall. However, they did not intervene because their rules of engagement did not include it, said member CDH Georges Dallemagne Bel RTL, hours before the report of the French commission investigating the attacks, according to La Libre.
“We know that the police did not intervene when she was present there. We know that the strength sentry, who had six soldiers armed before the Bataclan did not intervene when the carnage was occurring at the Bataclan,” the MP said. “They felt that they were not to intervene because their rules of engagement did not anticipate that they had to intervene. Their rules stipulated that they could protect themselves. It is entirely unbelievable, amazing.”
This report and confirmation from the MP have been conveniently ignored by all Western media. As Prof Michel Chossudovsky points out, the justification for not intervening is indeed nonsensical. The mandate of France’s Sentinelle project under the auspices of the Ministery of Defense is clear in this regard: The Sentinelle Operation had been launched in January 2015 in relation to the Charlie Hebdo terror attacks. Its mandate (defined on November 13, 2015) :
“to Protect the French people and provide security in support of the Internal Security Forces (FSI) at the most sensitive locations in Paris and the provinces”
[original French]: “l’opération Sentinelle vise à protéger les Français et sécuriser, en appui des FSI, les sites les plus sensibles à Paris et en province.
Had these six individuals intervened, the death toll inside the nightclub could have been far less as they outnumbered the actual attackers inside.
read more.
