Trump, Soros Both Predict Complete “Disintegration” of EU Following Brexit
- Trump, Soros Both Predict Complete “Disintegration” of EU Following Brexit
by Steve Watson |
“The people are fed up… other countries will follow.”
While they reside on polar opposites of the political spectrum, GOP nominee Donald Trump and elitist investor George Soros have both predicted the complete downfall of the European Union.
The two billionaires both independently declared that they believe a domino effect has been started by Britain’s decision to leave the EU, and the the process will be difficult for anyone to stop. “Now the catastrophic scenario that many feared has materialised, making the disintegration of the EU practically irreversible,” Soros said in a statement.
Soros even suggested that the UK itself “may not survive”.
“The consequences for the real economy will be comparable only to the financial crisis of 2007-2008,” the investor, who was said to have profited massively from the referendum. Soros suggested that Europe as a whole faces economic disaster.
“Tensions among member states have reached a breaking point, not only over refugees, but also as a result of exceptional strains between creditor and debtor countries within the eurozone,” he said.
Soros also intimated that the fear of total economic chaos will drive people into the arms of globalists pushing for political and cultural homogenization. “I am convinced that as the consequences of Brexit unfold in the weeks and months ahead, more and more people will join us,” Soros said.
“After Brexit, all of us who believe in the values and principles that the EU was designed to uphold must band together to save it by thoroughly reconstructing it.” the elite leftist declared.
Still on business in Scotland, Trump also predicted the complete break up of the EU, and also warned that the continent would become unrecognisable within ten years if strict immigration controls are not enacted.
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