Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
BRIEF-Intesa, UniCredit shares suspended after 5 pct loss by , 30 June 2016 Italian bank stocks: * Intesa Sanpaolo shares suspended after 5 percent loss, UniCredit also suspended after shedding 5.4 pct * Monte dei Paschi di Siena falls 4.6 percent (Reporting by Milan newsroom) end
The Illuminati’s plan is: global economic, financial and currency collapse; and their Satanic WW3. The serpents are running out of time to execute their plan. – When Italian banks fall, the French and German banks will also be dragged into insolvency/collapse by their exposure to Italian banks. Ie. the whole EU, Eurozone is toast. Needless …
“Deutsche Bank Poses The Greatest Risk To The Global Financial System”: IMF by Tyler Durden, Over three years ago we wrote “At $72.8 Trillion, Presenting The Bank With The Biggest Derivative Exposure In The World” in which we introduced a bank few until then had imagined was the riskiest in the world. – …
[youtube=–rCU] [youtube=] Published on Jun 28, 2016 Will Lehr of interviews Jim Willie of ~ Click here for Parts 1, 2, And 3:… end
Israel Admits Cutting Water Supplies to Palestinians in West Bank by Jason Ditz, , 21 June 2016 Blames Palestinian Authority for Not Approving New Infrastructure Israel’s Water Authority today confirmed last week’s reports that the state-run water company had dramatically cut water supplies to Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, saying the hot weather is leading …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 29, 2016 Alex Jones covers the recent developments and shows how the globalists have steered societies and managed resources not for prosperity but to control populations and destroy the middle class.Protect your family and get prepared… end
[youtube=] Published on Jun 29, 2016 The Obama administration was more concerned with saving political face prior to the election then it was with saving Ambassador Stevens. Not only did Hillary Clinton know it was a terrorist attack prior to pushing the “youtube video” narrative, but we see there was a concerted effort behind the …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 29, 2016 Something wicked this way comes. The elites have been backed into a corner by the Brexit and the potential downfall of the EU. Populism is sweeping the globe. While a still unseen event between the globalist’s arrogant and criminal one sided policies against the law abiding freedom of the …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 29, 2016 Turkey denies all accusations of being involved in the ISIS oil trade or letting fighters through its territory. For more on this attack, RT is joined by Ely Karmon, Senior Research scholar at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism. – I smell a rat’s ass. The terror attack happened just …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 29, 2016 A US destroyer’s close encounter with a Russian warship in the Mediterranean Sea has triggered a war of words between the two countries. Russia’s Defense Ministry says the American destroyer violated international agreements by swerving dangerously past the Russian warship. The ministry says the incident shows the US navy’s ignorance …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 29, 2016 The Kremlin says it’s highly concerned by NATO’s increasing military buildup just very close to Russian borders. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu says the US missile facilities in Romania could be used for deploying Tomahawk cruise missiles. Shoigu added that the western military alliance is building a similar facility …
[youtube=] Orlando shooting hoax is a Illuminist psyop to push the gun control/confiscation agenda. – Has The Orlando Shooting Psyop Event Just Been Blown Wide Open? by Bernie Suarez, With the seemingly daily influx of new information coming in about the Orlando Pulse Night Club shooting “event”, each new piece of information increasingly shedding more …
How Vulnerable is the Shaky US Economy to Brexit Fallout and European Bank Meltdown? by Wolf Richter • June 27, 2016, Business optimism “lowest since the height of the Financial Crisis.” You know things are getting bad when our leaders call for calm. US Secretary of State John Kerry just did that. – “It is absolutely essential that …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 29, 2016 The globalist elite are scrambling to advance their plans for a one world government. The Brexit vote signaled the alarm: the sleeping giant is awake and reclaiming its sovereignty. end
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[youtube=] Ron Paul: A New European Superstate Is Hardly The Answer by Daniel McAdams, If the UK actually succeeds in exiting the EU, what will be the fate of the remaining members? According to a report yesterday, the French and Germans are looking to create what would essentially be a single European “superstate” that would …
[youtube=] Peter Schiff: Brexit is the Match that Ignites the Powder Keg by Greg Hunter’s Money manager Peter Schiff says don’t believe the so-called “Brexit” was the real cause of the recent chaos in the financial markets. Schiff explains, “If the global financial system and the markets were healthy, ‘Brexit’ would be a non-event. I …
Trump, Soros Both Predict Complete “Disintegration” of EU Following Brexit by Steve Watson | “The people are fed up… other countries will follow.” While they reside on polar opposites of the political spectrum, GOP nominee Donald Trump and elitist investor George Soros have both predicted the complete downfall of the European Union. – The …
EU Unmasked: After Brexit, Plans for Full EU Superstate Revealed by James Corbett,, June 28, 2016 Well, that didn’t take long. The graphite was hardly dry on the Brexit ballots when TVP Info, a Polish broadcaster, leaked a 9-page documentdrawn up by the German and French foreign ministers calling for an EU superstate complete with an EU …
Warning: This Could Be the Start of a Global Banking Crisis by Europe’s banking system is collapsing. Over the past year, shares of Deutsche Bank (DB), Germany’s biggest bank, have plunged 56%. Swiss banking giant Credit Suisse (CS) is down 62% over the same period. Yesterday, both stocks hit record lows. – Dozens of …