Bill Holter: All Signs Point to Big Financial Crash in 2016
- Bill Holter: All Signs Point to Big Financial Crash in 2016
by Greg Hunter’s
Financial writer Bill Holter says there are many signs that are signaling big trouble. Holter’s list starts with the troubled banking giant Deutsche Bank and says it is his top candidate for the next Lehman style financial meltdown. Holter explains, “It would make sense that they are the candidate because, as you know, they had a recent settlement in the gold and silver fix. So, they may get thrown under the bus. The only problem is if they get thrown under the bus, there’s going to be a bomb that blows up the whole bus.”
So, can we make it out of this year without a big financial crash? Holter contends, “I don’t see how. There is the potential unrest all over the world. You have “Brexit,” and now the polls are saying that’s going to happen. That’s going to absolutely dislocate Europe. You have the U.S. election, and no matter who wins, I would say there are going to be riots. There will be riots no matter if Hillary wins or Trump wins. You will probably see rioting going into the election. You also have the tragic event in Orlando, and it’s common knowledge that ISIS says it is going to be doing this all summer long. So, you got all kinds of potential dislocations. I don’t see how we get to next year with the can being kicked down the road.”
Holter also points out that there is a large increase of buyers standing for delivery of physical gold and silver for their paper contracts at COMEX. This, in turn, is cutting the available amount of gold and silver for delivery. Holter explains, “What this is saying is if you get some outside event in the next two of three months where there is a scramble into gold and silver, they are not going to be able to deliver. The troll community says they will just move it from the ‘eligible’ category. They can’t do that. Eligible gold is customer gold. That is actually called stealing. . . . Everything has changed. The entire smell has changed the last two months. . . . It looks like the longs are different longs. They want real metal and will not accept paper.”
Big well known money people have been making ominous warnings about another coming financial meltdown. Why are they making these dire warnings now? Holter says, “Because it’s gotten so obvious . . . these guys are extremely brilliant people. I am glad they finally came around and figured it out. . . . They’re getting on the record is what they are doing. You would not have the caliber of names all lining up in the last 60 to 90 days . . . unless it was going to happen pretty soon.”