Economic Collapse Will Serve One Purpose: “Global Governance and the Enslavement of Mankind”
- Economic Collapse Will Serve One Purpose: “Global Governance and the Enslavement of Mankind”
by Jeremiah Johnson,
The ever-tightening noose around the neck of man shows no sign of slippage: all actions by all of the governments are anent control and dominion. The path to global governance is plainly marked, visible through all of the turmoil. It is that turmoil, those “incidents” that are created and fostered by the governments that enable them to further constrict the noose. The economy plummets in Cyprus and Greece? Time to limit the cash withdrawals. The European banks are having a “hard time” in places such as France or Spain? Time to pillage people’s savings and their IRA’s.
Manufactured crises are the norm, not the exception, and all of them are designed to facilitate one purpose: global governance and the enslavement of mankind.
The Bilderbergers are meeting in Germany this week. Paul Joseph Watson of Alex Jones’ Prison Planet reported on some of the key issues they will be discussing, as such:
“…the creation of a virtual passport that web users will need to obtain before they can use many Internet services is high on the agenda. The Internet ID will be justified under the guise of “cybersecurity” and creating a convenient method for citizens to access government services, but free speech advocates will view the proposal with deep suspicion as it would threaten online anonymity and possibly chill dissent. Services such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter could also use the online passport to revoke posting permission if a user violates terms of agreement, another obvious threat to the free flow of information that has made the web what it is today. Bilderberg globalists are also set to re-invigorate momentum behind another long term goal – a global tax system presided over by the UN.”
Bilderberg Leak: Secretive Group to Discuss Internet ID, Global Tax, By Paul Joseph Watson
These things are not new, in that they have been proposed before. Just as with anything that is repeated long enough, however, the reiteration has dulled the senses of most. The bad thing is that it is being acted upon. A report by Tarun Wadwha last week described the inculcation of facial recognition software and the use of over 250 million cameras worldwide with the capability of utilizing this software.
250 million cameras. That would equal a camera for every 30 people.
The article went on to detail how in Russia an application called FindFace has come out, the invention of two young entrepreneurs. This application enables you to track down and identify virtually anyone; the app is building a database as we speak, and it is a matter of time before it expands outside of Russia to Europe and eventually the United States. The article went on to detail some of the following measures used in the U.S. and Europe in the manner of the movie “Minority Report” with Tom Cruise as such:
read more.
