Secret G-20 Meeting In Ireland this Summer to Manage the Collapse of America
- Secret G-20 Meeting In Ireland this Summer to Manage the Collapse of America
Dr. Walker Todd is heading to Ireland this summer. Ireland is lovely this time of year. Playing golf in one’s sweater could be an enjoyable vacation event. However, Todd is not going to Ireland to play golf. How do we know that Dr. Todd is headed to Ireland? He told Ed Petrowski and this was passed to me by his good friend Paul Martin. More importantly, Todd stated that there is going to be a secret G-20 meeting this summer in Ireland.
Who Is Walker Todd and Why Is This Important?
Dr. Todd stated on the radio on March 12, 2015 that America will be taken down according to the following scenario: (1) A false flag, more than likely a scenario resulting in economic collapse and the destruction of the dollar (2) The implementation of martial law, perhaps involving the use of foreign troops; and (3) All out conflict.
Dr. Todd is not to be taken lightly as he was an economic consultant with 20 years of experience at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. He is also a member of the Cato Institute‘s new Center for Monetary Financial Alternatives as one of its Adjunct Scholars. Given his background, his expressed opinions should be given very serious consideration.
If Dr. Todd’s prediction is accurate, this fits in with what other sources are saying is coming in the very near future and it will result in the fall of America. It has always been my position that a false flag even would be used as a pretext to invoke martial law. Martial law would then be used as the excuse to begin gun confiscation. Gun confiscation will be used to disarm American citizens prior to subjugating the country by using foreign mercenaries.
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