The Global Warming Hoax, Paris Climate Accord and New World Order Global Governance (World Government)

- The Global Warming Hoax, Paris Climate Accord and New World Order Global Governance (World Government)
by Joachim Hagopian,
“Global warming is the biggest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it.”
– Longtime meteorologist and Weather Channel founder John Coleman
With last Friday’s Earth Day marked by the US among 170 nations out of the planet’s 190 nations signing last December’s UN Paris climate change agreement at the United Nations, the topic “global warming/climate change” is once again all abuzz these days. Additionally, in less than a week a documentary entitled “The Climate Hustle” is being released in movie theaters nationwide on May 2nd debunking the notion that humans have caused global warming from the alleged increased CO2 greenhouse effect. This new film arrives as the answered rebuttal exactly a decade after ex-VP Al Gore’s Oscar-winning “Inconvenient Truth” pushed the global warming agenda to unprecedented heights. Gore was rewarded with a Nobel Peace Prize for his propagandist sci-fi movie. Recall his “true planetary emergency” calling for “drastic measures” to reduce the greenhouse gases before “reaching the point of no return” within ten years. Well, his ten years have come and gone and for all his over-predicting of end-of-the-world crises due to global warming, Gore and his alarmist minions have virtually no evidence of any warming to show for all their doom and gloom catastrophic warnings.
That said, the global warming industry stakes are now worth an annual $1.5 trillion. Yet despite the global elites adapting a climate change agreement, a vast array of critics are blasting their Paris climate accord as merely a $100 billion boondoggle lacking any specific strategies or methods for reducing CO2 levels nor any mandated authority to enforce recommendations hinging on voluntary participation from all nations. Even the father of the global warming movement former NASA climatologist and green activist James Hanson trashes the Paris agreement:
It’s just bullshit for them to say ‘we’ll have a 2 C. warming target and then try to do a little better every five years.’ It’s worthless words. There is no actions, just promises. As long as fossil fuels appear to be the cheapest fuels out there, they will be continued to be burned.
The earth’s global warming that Al Gore and his movement attribute to humans burning fossil fuels over the last century has absolutely nothing to do with the global warming presently being observed on every planet in our solar system. Scientists are blaming it on solar warming and the sun’s electromagnetic field is becoming more intense. The fact that solar warming is heating up all the planets strongly suggests that global warming on our planet is not being caused by human activity at all.
Few skeptical scientists on global warming deny that human-generated CO2 does not warm the planet. But the amount of heating caused by CO2 and other greenhouse gases has never been scientifically determined and is believed to be minuscule. In contrast, in recent years virtually all of Al Gore’s contentions have been refuted and debunked by actual science. Bill Clinton’s Vice President while campaigning for president claimed that he “created the internet” and of course we all know he conveniently stretched the truth on that one. As a lifelong politician raised by another lifelong politician father, his trademark is bending the truth any time he feels the need to impress his audience. Though Al Gore likes to pass himself off as an altruist out to save the world, as a partner in Kleiner Perkins, a venture capital firm that invested a billion dollars in 40 different companies, Gore and his partners stand to hugely profit from cap and trade laws that would make him the first carbon billionaire.
Back in 2008 Al Gore made the bold prediction that all the ice in the Arctic Sea would be completely melted by 2013-2015. It clearly hasn’t. The polar icecap has actually grown thicker in 2015 than it was in 2008. Meanwhile, the climate and ice pack on Antarctica is consistently growing thicker and colder at record levels. These polar discrepancies stand in direct contradiction to the global warming alarmist’s original statements as literally the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how Gore’s dire warnings never quite materialize. Hence, in recent years Gore’s political camp quietly and seamlessly renamed their all-important cause from global warming which was disproven to a more benign, less disprovable assertion called climate change.
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