The EU to Become a “U.S. Colony”? The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Would Abolish Europe’s Sovereignty
- The EU to Become a “U.S. Colony”? The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Would Abolish Europe’s Sovereignty
by Peter Koenig,
Is Madame Merkel Betraying the EU – Endangering the Lives of Future European Generations with her Push for the Nefarious TTIP?
This incisive article first published by Global Research in December 2014 is of utmost relevance to the ongoing process of US-EU negotiation of the TTIP
Author’s Introduction and Update
President Obama will be visiting Germany and Mme. Merkel tomorrow (24 – 25 April) for the Hannover Industrial Messe, the world’s largest Industrial fair, lobbying, in a last ditch convincing effort, Madame Merkel, of the good of the TTIP – that must be signed as soon as possible – maybe even during his upcoming trip to Europe. Everything around the infamous and nefarious TTIP is possible, as it all happens in secret and behind closed doors.
One of the most important items on Obama’s check list before he leaves office is obtaining the signatures of the ‘free trade agreements’ – the TPP – Transpacific Partnership with 11 Asian and Pacific countries, and the TTIP – Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the 28 EU countries. The TPP is almost done. Completion of the two trade agreements – the economic enslavement of Asia (except for China and Russia who bluntly refused to join) and Europe, was one of the conditions for the top elite – call them ‘Illuminati’ – when they summoned him to a special Bilderberg meeting on 5-8 June 2008, in Chantilly Virginia (just outside Washington DC). They caught him in full campaign missing an important campaign event in Chicago.
The purpose of the meeting was to figure out whether he is worth the money they were willing to pour into his election to make him President. He complied. His psychological profile having been profoundly analyzed before, they knew he would.
And indeed, the spineless Obama complied with all of the conditions. And they made him President at a cost of about US$ 740 million, about double of what Bush’s second term presidential campaign cost, and about half of the price of Obama’s second term presidency.
Below is my article published by Global Research in December 2014, on the nefarious consequences of the TTIP – to remind people what is laying ahead for Europe, if the EU and its members ratify the TTIP: Slavehood, sheer and unescapable corporate slavehood, enhanced and controlled by Goldman Sachs — and not to forget, the Rothschilds, who are the invisible hand behind the FED.
Katherine Frisk sums up best what the TTIP would mean for Europe:
International “free trade” agreements such as the TTIP and the TPP which will override the National Sovereignty of any country who signs them, the Constitution of any country, their Constitutional law courts and any laws that any government may or may not make regarding health regulations, minimum wage regulations or environmental requirements. Far from being Capitalism with checks and balances restricting monopolies, it is a form of Corporate Fascist hegemonic colonialism and Corporate Empire building, eliminating all competition in the interests of monopolies.
Peter Koenig, April 24, 2016
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