NY Post Picks Up on Deutsche’s Confession But Where Are Other News Organizations?
- NY Post Picks Up on Deutsche’s Confession But Where Are Other News Organizations?
by http://www.gata.org/
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
While the New York Post yesterday took note of Deutsche Bank’s confession to gold and silver market manipulation and its pledge to incriminate other banks — see the report appended — as far as your secretary/treasurer can determine, only Reuters and Bloomberg News, among mainstream financial news organizations, have yet reported the story, not counting the predictably snarky and beside-the-point commentary Friday in the Financial Times by its columnist John Dizard:
GATA has alerted most major Western financial news organizations to the Deutsche Bank story, though they were almost certainly fully aware of it already.
While Deutsche Bank’s confession makes gold and silver market rigging impossible to deny, financial news organizations remain willing to suppress the story as they have been doing for years, lest they aggravate their advertisers and governments. So while the struggle is slowly breaking our way, it very much continues, with financial news organizations and gold and silver mining companies bearing much responsibility for the injustice they won’t acknowledge.