The War On Cash’s Final Battlefield – The Bank Branch

- The War On Cash’s Final Battlefield – The Bank Branch
by Kerry Lutz,
Technology is a wonderful thing. It has made all of our lives easier and allows society to function at a level of efficiency that could only have been dreamed of several decades ago. However, it also makes the nefarious plans of The Powers That Be, more feasible and easier to implement. For many months you’ve been hearing all about the aptly named War on Cash. We were among the first to write about it over a year ago.
The War on Cash is just another scheme to take away your freedom, allowing government to track every transaction you engage in. By eliminating currency, people like Larry Summers believe that it will cut the costs of producing and handling cash, reduce criminal activities, hinder money laundering/terrorism and increase the government’s tax take. It will also allow the central planners to more effectively control the economy and turn their wills into economic results. Banks will be able to drastically expand the money supply and the amount of their loans thanks to fractional reserve banking. You will be grateful because of the convenience and safety of being cashless. Freedom be damned.
Recently, another piece of the puzzle was revealed, The Bank Branch of the Future. Wells Fargo has been working on this major advance in societal control since 2013, when it opened its first prototype branch in the Washington, DC area. While seemingly quite benign and mostly ignored at the time, it fits in perfectly with the goal of currency erradication. This bank is tellerless! No more of those pesky bank tellers we’ve been dealing with our entire lives. Their purpose being to take deposits, cash checks and disburse currency and other sundry services.
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