Dr. Jim Willie: Shanghai, Satanists and Celebration of Fire

- Dr. Jim Willie: Shanghai, Satanists and Celebration of Fire
by Jim Willie, www.goldenjackass.com, via http://www.goldseek.com/
The theme of this article is the arrival of April, the most significant month on the Satanist calendar and the month with an extremely long list of celebrated assassination and mass murder events that they boast of. Some events are well-known to follow the April pattern, while others are not. The relevance to the financial world is immediate, when one considers that the Chinese have a planned launch of the Shanghai Gold Price Fix, as well as the introduction of the Shanghai RMB-based Gold Futures contract, the date arranged at April 19th. This date is right smack dab in the middle of the week marked by the Celebration of Fire. What an incredible insult to the banker cabal, replete with Satanists like uber-leader Rothschild, if the fiat paper currency system centered upon the USDollar is upended by China during mid-April! The temples might indeed be overturned that would catch King Solomon’s attention. Any wresting of control within the Gold market would enable the price to rise, like to establish an equilibrium between supply & demand in the physical market. Refer to a doubled Gold price and a tripled Silver price suddenly. For perhaps 40 years or more, the Gold price has been set by paper contracts with claimed price discovery involved. However, no discovery is anywhere visible on any horizon, any arena, any window. It is a den of profound corruption upon which the entire USDollar platforms rests. The Chinese attack within the Gold market could hit Satanist bankers where they live, in the fire of mid-April.
The arrival of the Gold futures contract in Shanghai poses an additional risk for the Western banker cabal, a grand crime syndicate which extends to the energy firms, the military industrial complex, the big pharmaceutical firms, and the press networks. A real valid bonafide Gold contract which delivers physical gold would enable vast arbitrage to buy cheap in London and sell dear in China. Any acceleration in the arbitrage activity, combined with any sincere attempt to set the Gold Fix in a reasonable manner that puts equilibrium as priority, and the Western bankers will face the USDollar kicked to the curb and possible global boycott. The zinger factor is that the Chinese Interbank Payment System (CIPS) is ready. It serves as an alternative to the SWIFT bank transaction system. The little known fact (except to Hat Trick Letter clients) is that CIPS was successfully field tested in late February. It only lacks tight connection to the FOREX currency market, and to the Sovereign Bond market, in particular the USTreasurys. The demise of the USDollar is finally visible. The King Dollar Reign of Terror is soon to come to an end. One of the most shameful eras in modern financial history is coming to a close. The USDollar has turned toxic since QE was introduced, killing capital as quickly as foreign opponents are killed on the battlefield under false cause for war in its defense of the global currency reserve. The reserve status is going away, and with it the USEconomy on a credit card. A New Dollar stands at tremendous risk of a series of devaluations.
The list of nasty fiery events arranged during April in recent years is long. Be sure to read correctly, as the Jackass claims these were all murder events arranged by the cabal of Satanists. The insider word indicates that since 2011 the FBI has served as the new hired hand in organizing the motivated public criminal deeds, then in charge of the cover-up with news coverage in pure propaganda, finally in charge of arresting the patsy in an clever incrimination frame. Their motive is to create fear and trepidation among the public, to facilitate the Global Fascist State, but also to mix in some targeted destructions to serve their greater goals.
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