Monster Black Hole Dazzles Scientists
Published on Apr 7, 2016
Astronomers have stumbled across a near record-breaking supermassive black hole in a galaxy group where they least expected to find anything of the sort. The monstrous object has the mass of 17 billion suns, more than scientists could have predicted for its home galaxy cluster. RT America’s Simone Del Rosario explains the significance of the discovery.
Revelation 9:1
[ Fifth Trumpet: The Locusts from the Bottomless Pit ] Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth. To him was given the key to the bottomless pit.
Revelation 9:2And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit.
Revelation 9:11
And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon.
Revelation 11:7
[ The Witnesses Killed ] When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them.