‘Operation Barbarossa 2’: “Overpopulation” and the Funding of World War III
- ‘Operation Barbarossa 2’: “Overpopulation” and the Funding of World War III
by Peter Koenig, http://www.globalresearch.ca/
“Wars are horrible. The only good thing about wars is that they help reduce the world population.”
These are the words flung in my face not too long ago, by a person I thought was close to me. I was in shock and asked what do you mean?
“Well, don’t you think the world is over-populated?”
– I couldn’t believe that these were the thoughts of somebody I had respected. They may well be the thoughts of common people in my close vicinity. By opening my eyes to a dimension I ignored until then – the secret thoughts and dreams of people, maybe of the masses began revealing themselves; thoughts that are expressed only in an ambiance of familiarity, or perhaps when ‘under the influence’, when often the inner-most truths come to the fore.
Over-population is a western ego-centric phantasy. Western Comfort is afraid of having to share some of their excesses with the poor under-humans of so-called developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America – the slowly emerging Continents that have been raped for hundreds of years by precisely the same western colonialists which today claim over-population and wage war around the world in a new form of colonialism.
According to FAO – the UN’s World Food Organization – the globe’s current agricultural potential could feed at least 12 billion people, if only the food would not be subject to speculation and would be properly distributed. But it isn’t. Food crop speculators in the US and in Europe, command the price – they literally control who may live and who must die – by famine.
According to the World Bank, 80% of the food-price hike induced famine of 2008 / 2009 that precipitated the death of 2 million people in Asia and Africa was the result of food speculation. Three weeks ago, the Swiss Government recommended its electorate to reject a Swiss socialist-led people’s initiative against food speculation. Their main arguments were denial that food speculation caused famine; and “if we forbid food speculation, the speculators will leave Switzerland and make their profit elsewhere”. With the prevailing neoliberal thinking: Profit über Alles, ethics has no place. The Swiss populace indeed complied and rejected the initiative with a margin of almost 2:3. The financial centers of Switzerland in Zurich and Geneva control some of the largest food speculators in the world. The nefarious speculative business practices of Place Finance Suisse are alive and well.
Thoughts and clandestine desires of population reduction and faraway wars are most likely the unconscious results of decades of horrendous western propaganda seeking in one way or another popular consensus that wars are necessary, wars are normal, wars is what people had since ‘the beginning’. What beginning? – Most certainly the beginning of the atrociously violent and greed driven Judo-Christian era, some six thousand years ago.
The justification for continuous conflicts and killing is precisely what the western media are propagating day-in-day-out – terror that has to be fought by wars. If there is not enough terror to rationalize a war, terror has to be manufactured – by false flags. The west has perfected the science of constructing false flags – so credibly that the masses are screaming for more police and military protection; so credibly that the masses want more wars in far-away overseas places, more wars for their protection, for the protection of their comfort; so credibly that western societies gladly give away their civil rights for more police and military protection. As an example, following the January and November 2015 ‘terror attacks’ in Paris, President Hollande is attempting to put a State of Emergency permanently into the French Constitution. So far it has been blocked by Parliament.
The propaganda now, as well as then, spreads fear. When man is fearful, he is most vulnerable and can easily be manipulated.
read more.
