5 Years of War in Syria: Russia Withdraws Its Military Forces from Syria on Conflict’s Anniversary
- Published on Mar 15, 2016
Russia will however keep a military presence at the port of Tartus and at the Khmeimim airbase to observe ceasefire agreements.
– - Is the Russian Bear setting up a trap for Turkey-Saudi Arabia? Turkey has already deployed a small amount of troops 100m into Syrian territory. This small invasion of Syria is Turkey’s way of pissing on the peace talks underway. If Russia and Syria decide to attack these Turkish troops in Syrian territory, they would at most kill a few hundred soldiers. The bulk of the 2M Turkish army would still be intact. If Russia and Syria decide to attack Turkish troops on Turkish soil, NATO will have the pretext to go to war against Russia/Syria under Article 5 – “Collective defence means that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies.“
– - By withdrawing its troops from Syria, the Russian Bear is opening the “gates wide open” for Turkey and Saudi Arabia to launch their much talked about invasion of Syria. Once, Turkey and Saudi Arabia invasion force is in Syrian territory, an undeniable invasion taking place, the Russian Bear will have the pretext it needs to wipe out both armies. Shock and awe will follow in the Syrian killing fields. NATO will not come to the defense of Turkey because the Turkish army has invaded Syrian territory and are not on Turkish soil. They cannot activate Article 5 because it is not defence of Turkey.
– - The real, on the ground power behind ISIS will thus be destroyed.