Central Banks Are About To Leave Fiat Addicted Stock Markets In Agony. The Path Towards a Luciferian New World Order
- Emphasis mine:
- Central Banks Are About To Leave Fiat Addicted Stock Markets In Agony
by Brandon Smith, http://www.alt-market.com/
Many investors today are not very familiar with market history and tend to live only in the day-to-day mainstream narrative while watching little red and green graphs move up and down. This is not so much an issue in a relatively stable economic environment. The problem is, today we live in the most unstable economic conditions possible.
So, what does this mean?
Well, first and foremost, it shows that the attitude of central bankers is moving away from intervention. As I have stated many times in the past, actions like the Fed taper of QE3 and the rate hikes only make sense if central banks are planning to ALLOW the markets to decline. The rate hike meetings, stimulus meetings, and the fact that they allow investor conjecture on stimulus to continue without much official contradiction, helps international financiers to control the speed at which this crash occurs. But the fact remains that they are not acting to stop the crash, nor will they act.
There are no fundamental economic indicators that are positive enough to support a market recovery or an economic recovery. All moves in stocks are based on nothing but the delusions of fiat addicted stock players waiting for more printing to feed their habit of “buying the dip” without having to think strategically and educate themselves on sound investments. That is to say, investors have become addicted to central bank manipulation of markets, but now the central banks are cutting off their supply of smack.
Where is this all going?
I have mentioned in past articles the tendency of elitists to warn the public of coming economic collapse, but these warnings are always far too late for anyone to do much to prepare. They do this because they KNOW that a crisis is coming. They know a crisis is coming because THEY created the circumstances which are causing it. The money elites inject warnings into the media not to help the public, or to encourage positive solutions. Rather, they offer these warnings so that after the crash they can present themselves to the public as “good Samaritans,” or fortune tellers who “tried to save us.” They are, of course, neither of these things.
The Bank for International Settlements, the central bank of central banks, has released yet another dire warning into the mainstream, stating that “official” global debt is now 200 percent of GDP and that this debt is unsustainable. They have also warned of a “gathering storm” and the “loss of faith in central banks” as 2016 moves forward.
On top of this, none other than Lord Jacob Rothschild has released his own cautionary letter on the global economy, stating that we are now “in the eye of the storm.”
Why are central banks allowing a controlled demolition of our economy to take place instead of propping up and manipulating markets as they have for the past few years? You can read my many articles on the globalist endgame for a detailed explanation, but to summarize – problem, reaction, solution.
International financiers want a completely centralized global economic structure, including a single currency system, the eventual removal of physical currency to be replaced with more easily controlled digital currency, and ultimately a central authority for global economic governance. In the pursuit of a “New World Order,” they must destroy the structure of the “old world.” Covertly engineer an economic problem, get the masses to beg you to save them from that problem, then offer them the solution you always intended to give them.
Our current crisis, what the International Monetary Fund calls the “global economic reset,” has only just begun.
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