US Scepticism on Blame for Turkey Attack Exposes Growing Split. Ie. False Flag Terrorism

- US, NATO and Turkey are playing a political charade. It is all political theatre to build plausible deniability for US and NATO when Turkey and Saudi Arabia launch their ground operations into Syria. US and NATO do not want to face Russia in a thermonuclear war in the Middle East. They want to reserve their military forces for Europe and Asia where they will engage Russia and China in the coming Satanic WW3.
– - US Scepticism on Blame for Turkey Attack Exposes Growing Split
Turkey has pinned the blame for a deadly attack in Ankara on Syrian Kurdish fighters — but its assertions have been greeted with scepticism from chief NATO ally the United States in a rare and increasingly acrimonious split.
Just a day after Wednesday’s attack on a convoy of military buses left 28 people dead, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said investigators had already worked out it was a joint operation by Turkey-based Kurdish militants and their counterparts in Syria.
But the US State Department responded that responsibility for the attack was still an “open question” and that it could neither confirm or deny Ankara’s claims.
Syria’s Democratic Union Party (PYD) denied any involvement in the bombing, which comes against the backdrop of a growing hostility over the role of the Syrian Kurds in the five-year civil war.
The attack was claimed late Friday by a Turkey-based Kurdish militant group Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK), which said the bomber was a Turkish citizen from the eastern city of Van.
Turkey accuses the PYD and its People’s Protection Units (YPG) militia of being the Syrian offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which has fought an over 30-year insurgency against the Turkish state in search of greater powers and rights for the country’s Kurdish minority.
“Regardless of its validity, Turkey’s attribution of the attack to the YPG reflects Turkey’s intent to put pressure on the US policy of supporting the PYD,” said Ege Seckin, expert at IHS Country Risk.
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