Erdogan’s Plan: Islamic Empire or Armageddon?

- Erdogan’s Plan, Islamic Empire or Armageddon
by Turkey and Saudi Arabia have made their plans clear to an amazed world, a new Wahhabist empire, an “Islamic State,” not the one the puppet front organization ISIS is running, but a real one with up to a million men in uniform, over three thousand modern combat aircraft and nuclear weapons.
Syria will fall to them, as will Iraq. They will take Jordan in a snap, crushing it from the north and south. The Gulf States are already onboard, willing members while Egypt may hold out awhile, with Israel, as long as it survives, holding one flank while Libya is already “gone,” part of the secret Erdogan caliphate.
Erbil strongman dictator, Barzani has already split Iraq, a “done deal.” He has joined Turkey against not only the PKK but Turkish Kurds who are being wiped off the map and his Syrian brothers, who are being slaughtered to his silence, and of course the government in Baghdad that pays his salary.
Afghanistan is under attack, with ISIS recruiters and Saudi cash making significant inroads, not only there but in nuclear Pakistan as well. To his north, Ukraine is fully onboard, ready to declare war on Russia any day while Bulgaria and Romania remain silent partners, ready to knife both Russia and NATO in the back.
Georgia is a defacto client state of Turkey’s, a path for arms smuggling, the new “other silk road,” from Ukraine, by plane or Black Sea trawler from Odessa, into Georgia and through Turkey into Syria and Iraq, into the hands of Erdogan’s terror armies.
Israel woke up first and dumped Erdogan like a “hot potato.” He had them fooled the way he had Europe fooled. He even had Russia and Iran going for years with promises of trade deals and gas pipelines. Now it is clear, this is a madman bent on world domination, nothing less.
There was a time when Israel saw Syria as a threat, a modern nation allied first to the Soviet Union, then the Russian Federation, a modern army and air force, capable of perhaps not matching the Israeli juggernaut but a force to be contended with.
That Syria is in ruins today, the army stretched, winning against a “sea of foes” for sure, but unlikely to ever be a threat against Israel again, which is why Tel Aviv supported both insurgents and terrorists.
Today, Assad’s Syria is all that stands between Israel and an Islamic Empire, not the “Islamic State” of ISIS, but a Wahhabist monstrosity capable of wiping Israel off the map with ease, American backing and a nuclear arsenal notwithstanding and Israel now knows this all too well. Israel will look back on its former days of planning a preemptive strike on Iran or pouring armies into Syria across the Golan Heights as its “crazy days”.
War Has Begun
A war is already going on. Turkey has invaded Syria, ISIS is a Turkish army, Muslim Brotherhood recruits, mercenaries, underwritten by the Saudis and Qatar, aided by rogue Western intelligence agencies, the CIA and MI6.
Turkey has bombed Kurds inside Syria, not the claimed “rebel” PKK, but the US allies of the YPG, and is now shelling them in violation of a UNSC memorandum. Turkey has invaded Iraq, sending in 1500 troops who now protect Mosul, the ISIS capitol. Their base sits on the strategic route for ISIS oil theft, protecting it until it enters the breakaway “Barzani Caliphate.”
Turkey is in a shooting war with Russia, kept in check only by a Russian naval force in the Mediterranean and Caspian Seas and by massive Russian military exercises north of Turkey’s borders.
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