FEMA Is Beta Testing a Bank Holiday As the Economy Nears Collapse?
- FEMA Is Beta Testing a Bank Holiday As the Economy Nears Collapse
by Dave Hodges, http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/
The global economy, and in particular, the American economy is in such a state of free-fall, it is difficult to know where to start when describing the overall devastation. Here is a small cross-section of the devastation which will precede some very major political, social and military events which will not doubt accompany the the economic collapse which is well underway.
The Dotcom Bubble
Who will forget “dotcom” bubble in which this investment has lost over half of a trillion dollars since mid 2015? Many have compared it to the housing bubble on 2008-09 in which the bottom fell out of the housing market.
Plunging European Bank Stocks Are Devastating the Banks
Key bank stocks in Europe are trading at levels lower than in the depths of both the global financial crisis (2009) and the European sovereign debt crisis (2012).
Just one week before it wanted to release its financial results, it already issued a profit warning to the markets, and Deutsche Bank’s capitalization has lost in excess of 5B EUR since the profit warning, on top of seeing an additional 18B EUR set of devastating losses since last summer. Deutsche Bank’s trading is now less than 50% of the share price it was trading at in July of 2015. In short, the bottom is falling of the European banks and there is no end in sight to the carnage.
Finally, i would be remiss, if i did not report that it appears that FEMA is beta testing bank holiday announcements. In Friday, February 5, 2016, on KCOL, 600AM (Loveland, CO.), on the hourly news just prior to the commencement of Coast to Coast which they broadcast locally. The archives do not maintain the top of the hour news so there is no record. However, I have had three people contact me on this issue including one of my most trusted sources, Paul Martin.
Here is what the message said:
This is an announcement of the Federal Emergency Management Agency…. be advised that a banking holiday will be introduced on February 18 and 19…
I have no doubt that this announcement actually took place. However, I cannot guarantee that we should all take this warning at face value. What I think is more likely is that FEMA is beta testing the announcement in order gauge local reaction to the proclamation. All they have to do is to watch diminishing bank deposits and increased withdrawals during this time to determine how the public will react to such an announcement. I find it interesting the FEMA chose a smaller community such as Loveland, CO. to air this information instead of nearby Denver, 45 minutes to the south. This is why I believe that this is a calculated beta test.
Finally, are you prepared? Now would be a good time.