Andy Hoffman: Financial Armageddon This Year! Deutsche Bank On The Verge of Taking Down The Entire Global Monetary System?
- My understanding of the global currency collapse (plan of the Illuminati) is: it will start in the 3rd world economies (already happening) … move towards Asia … China, Japan … towards Europe … and finally the last currency standing – the USD will collapse. Global monetary collapse means hyperinflation. The endgame of the Satanic cabal is a One World Currency backed by gold, Global Supra-Nation Central Bank run by World Government (UN 2.0) led by the Anti-Christ, Luciferian New World Order –> ‘666’.
– - Deutsche Bank ON The Verge of Taking Down The Entire Global Monetary System?
by Andrew Hoffman,
How much clearer can I be that we are already amidst the “Big One” – with NO CHANCE of turning back? And that, barring a global PPT miracle in the next 24 hours, the answer to the question I posed on Saturday – i.e., “will Wednesday be the long-awaited Yellen Reversal?” – is decidedly YES! Not that she’ll join the ECB and BOJ at negative interest rates at tomorrow’s Humphrey-Hawkins Congressional testimony, of course. No, that will come shortly thereafter; perhaps, at an “emergency” session – in the coming months (or weeks), depending on how successful said PPT efforts are. As, per what I have shouted from the rooftops for the past three weeks, I do not believe there’s a chance the world survives 2016 without a catastrophic financial event. As if what’s occurred already isn’t catastrophic enough!
Frankly, I could have just as easily titled today’s article “Bank of Japan on the verge of taking down the entire global monetary system.” Or replaced Bank of Japan with ECB. Or, contrary to what the entire mainstream will conclude regarding the ramifications of a potential Fed rate cut, the Federal Reserve itself. As frankly, there aren’t words for the incredulity I’m experiencing watching the Bank of Japan and ECB not only dismally fail in their recent NIRP and QE pronouncements – but catalyzing the polar opposite effect of the “stability” they sought. Which is exactly what occurred when the PBOC attempted a “controlled” Yuan devaluation last summer – which I presciently forecast would be the “cataclysmic financial big bang to end all big bangs.” Not to mention, when the Fed attempted to promote “confidence” by raising rates – which I also knew would be a disaster, per September’s “only financial event as potentially cataclysmic as a significant Yuan devaluation.”
In Japan’s case, the Nikkei has been in freefall since the BOJ announced NIRP two weeks ago – with last night’s 5.4% plunge, led by the terrifyingly ominous implosion of Japan’s insolvent banking sector, making a mockery of yesterday’s afternoon’s blatant U.S. PPT “hail mary” rally. Which, I might add, still resulted in dramatic losses. Moreover, demonstrating how everything Central banks attempt now fail, the Yen has surged against the dollar; as has the Euro, as the “big three” currencies hopelessly fight the unwinnable “final currency war.” To that end, I maintain my staunch belief that the “Land of the Setting Sun” will be the first “first world” nation to experience 21st century hyperinflation; and that the “European Union” – and Euro currency as currently constituted – won’t last through the decade.
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