Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
ALERT: Nomi Prins Issues Dire Warning – We May Have Just Witnessed The Trigger For The Next Global Collapse by Today Nomi Prins, the keynote speaker who recently addressed the Federal Reserve, IMF and World Bank, issued a dire warning to King World News that we may have just witnessed the trigger for the next …
[youtube=] Published on Feb 2, 2016 New evidence suggest the Zika virus not connected to microcephaly. The Pentagon is creating a new program to data mine social media. To figure out what the American people are up to. North Korea let the UN know it was launching a satellite in the next month. John Kerry …
[youtube=] It is all One BIG SCAM. Not only are the sheeple being raped financially, they are being used as cannon fodder in wars of aggression masquerading as endeavors for peace. Sheeple: naive, gullible, easily deceived, useful idiots complicit in their own destruction and the destruction of others. – Published on Feb 2, 2016 The …
[youtube=] Published on Feb 1, 2016 UN Chief Ban Ki-moon has renewed his criticism of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories. In an opinion piece published in The New York Times, Ban calls Israeli settlement activities an affront to the Palestinian people. The UN chief also defends the resistance of Palestinians against the Israeli regime, saying it …
[youtube=] Published on Feb 2, 2016 Turkey is seeking to “heighten tensions” with Russia with new allegation that Moscow violated Ankara’s airspace near the Syrian border, a former official at the US Defense Department says. end
[youtube=] What this man says is absolutely correct. By putting Pentagram military forces in a country, the country is effectively conquered. They must tow the line and submit to the western Illuminati’s global hegemony. – Published on Feb 2, 2016 The expanding US military campaign against the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group in Afghanistan is a …
World’s Largest Silver Producer Calls On The LBMA To Explain Last Week’s Fraudulent Silver Fix by Dave Kranzler, The London gold/silver fix was established in 1919 principally by the House of Rothschild to enable the Rothschilds to control international money markets through the manipulation of the price of gold. The daily gold/silver fix was conducted …
What Deutsche Bank’s Plunging CoCo Bonds Just Said about the Bank’s Future by Wolf Richter, “They’re just too close to the wire.” Shares of scandal-plagued, litigation-hammered, loss-ridden Deutsche Bank, one of the largest and least capitalized megabanks in the world, closed at €16.32 today in Frankfurt, down 50% from April last year. Investors are fidgeting in their …
NYTimes Refutes its Own Lies: Admits US-Saudi Partnership Supports the Islamic State (ISIS) by Stephen Lendman, The Times, of course, would never admit Washington unilaterally or partnered with anyone would support ISIS and other terrorist groups. Its oblique account states “the CIA has relied…for decades (on) the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia” to help fund its covert …
Retail Apocalypse: 2016 Brings Empty Shelves And Store Closings All Across America by Michael Snyder, Major retailers in the United States are shutting down hundreds of stores, and shoppers are reporting alarmingly bare shelves in many retail locations that are still open all over the country. It appears that the retail apocalypse that made so …
Who owns/controls Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Agri, MSM, most large MNCs …. governments around the world? The Satanic cabal. end
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Oilpocalypse Wow! Stocks, Bond Yields Plunge As Bank Risk Soars by Tyler Durden, … Oil closed under $30 after Russian productiuon and OPEC denials… From bull market to correction in 2 days – This was the worst 2-day drop in oil since January 2009… – And today’s other major driver – exploding US bank …