Forget ISIS and the Hammond Ranch, Main Threat to Your Survival is the Impending Economic Collapse of the United States!
- Forget ISIS and the Hammond Ranch, Main Threat to Your Survival is the Impending Economic Collapse of the United States!
by Dave Hodges,
The events in Syria are important as is the unfolding saga in Oregon. However, the main threat to your survival and sense of well-being is the impending economic collapse of the United States.
Paul Craig Roberts recently wrote a very moving and disturbing article, entitled “The Rule of Law No Longer Exists“. In the article, Roberts bemoaned the fact that the United States justice system does not resemble anything that one would expect from civilized country. In short, Roberts believes that America is a land without a legal soul. His viewpoint forms one of the foundational concepts of this article.
Not only is America a land without legal soul, we are now a nation without a conscience, or moral compass. As the collapse of the dollar draws near, the very worst in human nature will soon surface. We will very soon see behaviors that very few could have predicted in a nation such as ours.
Paul Martin and I speak to different insider sources, but for several weeks, we are being told the same exact set of facts. The alphabet soup agencies are, and have been, preparing for an economic collapse. There is a difference of opinion whether the trigger event for the collapse will be from a false flag, or will the economy simply collapse under the mountain of its own debt? Paul and I both feels that is a moot point. The fact remains, that a collapse of the dollar could happen at any point in time and we will soon be living in a nation that knows no rules.
My sole purpose for revealing the very ugly side of human nature that will soon surface, it is to help my fellow countrymen to begin to think seriously about how to properly prepare! Promoting fear is not the objective of this article. If this article saves only one life or turns one more person into a committed Christian, this article will be a case of words well-spent.
What Does a Currency Collapse Look Like?
It can accurately be stated that a lot has been written and rehearsed by the federal government on the topic of the effects of a currency collapse and its subsequent impact on society. NORTHCOM, DHS and FEMA as well as other federal entities have practiced for this eventuality.In each and every training scenario, the facts remain the same, human beings and society follows a very predictable pattern of decline when the currency of the day collapses. And normally, the currency collapse comes without any warning to the general public.
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