Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
China Halts Stock Trading For Day After Entire Market Crashes by Tyler Durden, Following the initial halt in CSI-300 Futures at the 5% limit down level, the afternoon session opened to more carnage and amid the worst ‘first day of the year’ in at least 15 years, Chinese stocks collapsed further to a 7% …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 2, 2016 It’s no secret that relations between Moscow and the West have deteriorated the post-Cold War lows. The annexation of Crimea and the conflict in Ukraine have pushed the two sides to the brink of a Baltic battle while Russia’s intervention in Syria changed the West’s calculus when it comes to …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 3, 2016 Smoke bellowed from the Saudi Arabian embassy in Baghdad after a rocket was reportedly fired at the building following the execution of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, along with 46 other prisoners convicted on ‘terrorism’ charges in Saudi Arabia. Read MORE here: end
[youtube=] Published on Jan 2, 2016 It would appear the people of Switzerland have been listening to their military leaders. Having recently been warned by the Swiss army chief of growing social unrest, SwissInfo reports applications for gun permits in Switzerland increased by 20% between 2014 and 2015, according to a survey conducted in 12 …
Japan Nikkei is down 2.94%, Shanghai CSI down 3.94%, HongKong HangSeng down 2.3% midday. – 2016 Off To A Miserable Start: Asian Stocks Drop; Futures Slide After China PMI Tumbles On Dire Commentary by Tyler Durden, Earlier in the session, after the surge in oil prices on fears of a spike in belligerence between …
It’s On: Saudi Arabia Severs Diplomatic Ties With Iran, “Does Not Care” If It Has Angered White House by Tyler Durden, Earlier today, as Iranian police struggled to disperse protesters gathered outside the Saudi consulate in Mashhad, we said the following about the rapidly deteriorating situation: – If crude needed an excuse to …
The War on Cash is Now Being Rolled Out at An Incredible Speed by JEFF BERWICK, In the old days there used to be bank robbers… old Westerns were full of the stories. Now, the banks rob you. It’s all part of a grand scheme to turn the entire world into indentured servants under total control. – …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 2, 2016 Palestinians have held a massive funeral for the latest victims of the ongoing wave of Israeli atrocities in the occupied West Bank. Thousands of people marched through the city of al-Khalil also known as Hebron, mourning the deaths of 14 Palestinians. On Friday, Israeli forces released the bodies of 23 …
Elie Wiesel Admits His True Holocaust Stories Never Happened? by Carolyn Yeager, The pieces to the puzzle of Elie Wiesel and his book Night will never come together to form a coherent image. Readers and critics have long puzzled over the nightmarishly grotesque events that Wiesel presents as real, and refuses to repudiate. But he …
[youtube=] Officials Order Church Groups to Remove ALL Crosses from Their Facilities That Will Be Taking in Muslim So-Called Refugees by Dave Hodges, Christian camps that are being offered as shelter for thousands of illegal alien Muslim invaders, posing as refugees, are being told by the authorities to “REMOVE ALL CHRISTIAN SYMBOLS” as they could …
Will Iran, China, Russia Push US Dollar to the Brink of Extinction? by Iran is moving forward to get rid of the US dollar as a means of payment, independent researcher Timothy Alexander Guzman points out, adding that Washington has obviously shot itself in the foot by imposing sanctions on Moscow and Tehran. – …
Professor Reinhart: A Year of Sovereign Defaults? by MIAMI – When it comes to sovereign debt, the term “default” is often misunderstood. It almost never entails the complete and permanent repudiation of the entire stock of debt; indeed, even some Czarist-era Russian bonds were eventually (if only partly) repaid after the 1917 revolution. Rather, …
ISIS: The ‘Enemy’ the US Created, Armed and Funded by Robert Fantina, (MINTPRESS) Out of nowhere, it seems, Daesh, also commonly referred to as ISIL or ISIS, spontaneously formed, a group that perverts aspects of Islam for its own violent ends, and threatens, we are told, all that the civilized world holds dear. – The “war on …
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[youtube=] FBI Frames Mentally Ill Ex-Con in New Year’s Eve ISIS Attack by Kurt Nimmo | FBI bought masks, zip-ties, knives, duct tape, ammonia and latex gloves NBC News reported on Thursday Emanuel Lutchman was in contact with a member of the Islamic State in Syria who urged him to attack diners at a …
[youtube=] Sy Hersh: Turkey a ‘Total, Complete Supporter of ISIS’ by Mikael Thalen | Pulitzer Prize winning journalist outlines US-ally Turkey’s ties to ISIS Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a “total” and “complete supporter of ISIS,” Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh said Tuesday. – During an interview on the Alex Jones Show, …
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The Risks of the War on Cash by Don Quijones, “Quick and easy is winning the war.” On January 1st, Londoners woke up to a rather perplexing reality: all of the cashless Oyster card readers on the city’s buses, rail and tube stations had stopped working. With cash as good as banished from the London …
Now Comes The Great Unwind: How Evaporating Commodity Wealth Will Slam The Casino by David Stockman, The giant credit fueled boom of the last 20 years has deformed the global economy in ways that are both visible and less visible. As to the former, it only needs be pointed out that an economy based on actual …