Frantic, Deluded Pope Warns World is Committing ‘Suicide’ Unless Carbon Emissions are Halted… Even as NOAA Temperature Data Faked

- Frantic, Deluded Pope Warns World is Committing ‘Suicide’ Unless Carbon Emissions are Halted… Even as NOAA Temperature Data Faked
by J. D. Heyes,
(NaturalNews) Saturday, Dec. 12, could go down as the Day of the Globalists, for it was a day when 195 nations surrendered much of their sovereignty to the United Nations, and sentenced literally billions of people to longer lives of poverty, misery and a lack of opportunity.
Dec. 12 was the day the Globalists struck a “climate change accord” in Paris, France, following two weeks of declaring the world to be on a collision course with destruction thanks to man-caused “warming,” despite none occurring worldwide for nearly 20 years, and regardless of the change in narrative from man-caused global cooling in the 1970s to warming in subsequent decades.
Observers might have concluded that an agreement of some kind would be reached at the Paris climate summit, given the global leadership heavyweights who were investing so much political capital in reaching a deal. That included none other than Pope Francis, who – like every other global warming hoaxer on the planet – declared that time is running out if we don’t do something to ban all the cheap sources of energy which power economies and provide an escape from abject poverty.
More dire predictions though none of the others have come true
As reported by Reuters:
The U.N. climate conference in Paris is most likely humanity’s last chance to thwart global environmental disaster, Pope Francis said [recently], warning the world was “at the limits of suicide.”
The pope, who wrote a major document on the environment last June, made the comment in an hour-long news conference aboard the plane returning him to Rome at the end of a six-day trip to Africa.
The freewheeling conversations have become a trademark of his papacy and the few times he takes direct questions from journalists.
The pope further criticized the West and modernity following visits to Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic, where he declared Africa in general “a martyr of exploitation” by greedy, wealthy nations only interested in the continent’s natural resources. He also blamed Western countries for attempting to impose their values rather than concentrating on development.
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