An IN YOUR FACE BLACK SWAN But Few Have Recognized Yet!
- An IN YOUR FACE BLACK SWAN But Few Have Recognized Yet!
by Bill Holter,
… We saw markets around the world convulse on Thursday and Friday. All attention has focused on the Fed rate hike which no doubt was a contributor. How wise was it for the Fed to tighten credit conditions on a system already struggling and burdened with debt? There is no arguing we have systemically moved from the 2008 crisis which is now widely understood as a “credit event”, into an even more highly levered situation. The recovery that never was is now met with a central bank’s policy error.
I believe the “tell” on Friday was a weak dollar. Much of what happened in the markets could have been expected as reaction to the Fed tightening credit conditions …but not a weak dollar. The meeting between Mr. Lavrov, Mr. Putin and John Kerry far overrides anything the Fed could have done or said in my opinion. The foreign policy about face where Mr. Assad no longer “needs to go” and Turkey being ordered to withdraw troops from northern Iraq was astonishing! These statements were followed by Mr. Putin establishing a no fly zone over northern Syria. In another twist, Turkey still maintains Mr. Assad must go and they are refusing to withdraw troops from Iraq When in your lifetime have you ever seen anything like this? An “ally”, ANY ALLY publicly denying U.S. will? We all saw an IN YOUR FACE BLACK SWAN but few have recognized it yet!
We have no idea what was “told” to Mr. Kerry, we do however know he was “TOLD” something and in no uncertain terms. As you know, I have been in the camp thinking Mr. Putin (supported by China) would drop some sort of “truth bomb”. I originally thought this truth bomb would have at least some ties to 911 because the outrage this would create amongst the U.S. population. No doubt it would create a stir but I’m afraid we are just to dumbed down to really even care anymore. After pondering this further it occurred to me I have missed the obvious. What is the ONLY thing the U.S. has left and the final pillar of support? What is the Achilles heel? The dollar and the ability to issue endless debt!
I believe it is a high probability Mr. Kerry was told what he already knows. Russia and China know, you know, I know, the whole world knows …the U.S. is broke! We have “faked” solvency for many years. The insolvency really appeared in 2007-2008 but “damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead” we went … We were even “aided” in this effort to hide our insolvency by China who bought our debt until the 2011-12 timeframe. In short, we were given enough time and “rope” to hang ourselves!
I believe it is most likely Mr. Kerry was given an ultimatum by Mr. Putin who spoke on the behalf of China …either play the game by our rules or we will pull the plug financially on your shell game. The U.S. has toppled regimes and assassinated rulers over the petrodollar and the recirculation of capital back through our Treasury market. It is highly likely the threat of wholesale dumping of Treasury securities was unveiled! Please do not tell me China would never do this, they know the position is ultimately valueless and the reason they have accumulated so much gold and gone all over the world tying up resource properties China (and Russia as their bulldog) hold the key to exposing the fraudulent financial system of the West. Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING we in the West believe in as value has “Treasuries” as the foundation. Kill the Treasury market and everything goes. Stocks, bonds, real estate, pensions, retirement accounts …it ALL GOES and “power goes with it. China has the ability to do this!
Think about this for a moment, Russia and China have been stockpiling physical gold for years. China is in the process of “pricing” gold with their equivalent to the London fix …only theirs will be physical where actual physical trades set price as opposed to paper contract shenanigans. We know gold has been in backwardation in London for quite a while, this impossible market scenario finally reached the COMEX last week. We also know the December delivery will take everything the COMEX claims to be able to deliver. Do you really believe Mr. Putin does not know all of this? Do you really believe he doesn’t know the “gold scam” is at the very center of our grand Ponzi scheme? Mr. Kerry now knows, “they know”?
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