Over 400 German Islamists Are Ready to Attack ‘At Any Moment’ December 15, 2015 by mosesman The western Illuminati is still hell-bent on their (Albert Pike’s) Satanic WW3 plan using Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations psyop. Click on image for article. Why all the terror fear war psyop? It is a sign that the western financial system is about to collapse. They (the western Illuminati) need another ‘nuclear’ 9/11 as a distraction for the sheeple to hide what is really going on. Click on image for article. Propaganda to sell a false pretext for war against Syria! Click on image for article! Click on image for article. The psychological warfare against the sheeple can only be successful with the aid of the Illuminist MSM. Click on image for article. Click on image for article.